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  1. It's been 28 Days so i will do that tomorrow then! to be honest i jsut want them to take the car back but ive heard there going bust and am worrid there just saying this to try and squeeze every last penny the can get out of me
  2. I requested all my information already did it the way you said heard nothing back yet! All the letter have been snet recorded delivery aswell........i dont no what to do with the car the tax runs out end of jult and insurance why should i pay out for those whn i dont even want it they say they have no record of the first two VT the first cause i did it in branch and its now gone and the second was never done according to them.. ice checked my credit repot and theres no default on ther either
  3. hi, dont no if any one can help me we had car finacne with welcome in 2008 we got the half way mark and wanted to voluntarily terminate the agreement!! i went to my local bramch it was put through told it was fine so i went and bought a new car............... 2 weeks later hadnt heard anyting tried to ring my branch no answer after constantly trying i went down there to find it had closed down but no-one told me!! so i didnt no how to contact welcome 2 weeks after that a get a call saying a behind on my payments i explain it and they put throgh the vt again and again im told its ok!! then 1 week later i get a call chasing money again i explained and he informed me i couldnt do the vt as i defaulted in november much to my suprise as i no i never have and have never recieved a letter saying this.... i told the "manager" that if he wouldnt allow me to vt i wouldnt be paying them anymore money as i had a new car and the car would either be sold or just sit there and rot!! he advised me to send a letter stating all my problems i did 3 weeks ago recorded delivery and havent heard a thing from them apart from a letter telling me my branch had closed i recieved the letter last week but it was dated februaury!! if anyone has any advice it would be great thanks:-x
  4. hi, dont no if any one can help me we had car finacne with welcome in 2008 we got the half way mark and wanted to voluntarily terminate the agreement!! i went to my local bramch it was put through told it was fine so i went and bought a new car............... 2 weeks later hadnt heard anyting tried to ring my branch no answer after constantly trying i went down there to find it had closed down but no-one told me!! so i didnt no how to contact welcome 2 weeks after that a get a call saying a behind on my payments i explain it and they put throgh the vt again and again im told its ok!! then 1 week later i get a call chasing money again i explained and he informed me i couldnt do the vt as i defaulted in november much to my suprise as i no i never have and have never recieved a letter saying this.... i told the "manager" that if he wouldnt allow me to vt i wouldnt be paying them anymore money as i had a new car and the car would either be sold or just sit there and rot!! he advised me to send a letter stating all my problems i did 3 weeks ago recorded delivery and havent heard a thing from them apart from a letter telling me my branch had closed i recieved the letter last week but it was dated februaury!! if anyone has any advice it would be great thanks
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