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Fairy Wings

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  1. No, in fact we did what they asked when they suggested the tree was to be removed. Nothing else has been mentioned.
  2. I have been in touch with the mortgage company, they are suppose to be sending me a form of some kind that I should complete. The guy I spoke to said something about contractual responsibilities. What do you think he meant?
  3. The Halifax accept there is subsidence but they say the reason for my house to be falling over is wear and tear, for which I'm not covered. This is the argument. My argument is that the subsidence occured before the wear and tear. This area has always had subsidence issues. I know of many properties that have been underpinned, as far as I know all paid for by the insurance.
  4. Unclebulgaria67 We bought the house in 1996. We had a normal survey done they didn't request a full structural survey, and no environmental reports. We have always had the house insured with the Halifax as is our mortgage. I have spoken to the Halifax mortgage insurance dept and they now have told me that I don't have a legal expenses cover as it is paid seperately (wouldn't you know it)? I assumed it was part of the cover, not so. They put me in touch with a company that represents them in legal matters. They are going to look into the contractual details of my mortgage and get then back to me tomorrow. They seem to think there might be something to go on. I'm not holding my breath!
  5. My house insurance company does legal expenses as part of its cover. But surely I would be asking them to pay for legal advice against them?
  6. Thanks for your promt reply, I will start making enquiries. I have the awful feeling that they will be asking for large amounts of money to start this and then I will get no where, but I will press on. I just feel this is such an injust decision......
  7. I live on the fens, the land is constantly being drained otherwise it would flood. This problem is very common in this area. What is the best way to find the right kind of solicitor to take on this problem?
  8. Yes, the Ombudsman has looked at it and has turned it down. I live on the fens and the land is constantly being drained consquently the soil is shrinking. The water table fluctuates all the time especially during very wet weather, when the fen is drained so the soil shrinks away as well. The oak pilings that the house is built on became exposed to the air consequently they started to decay. In my opinion the subsidence came first
  9. My house is subsiding. I'm insured and have a clause that say's we will pay the first £1000.00 if I claim. My insurance company have refused to pay, saying it is wear and tear not subsidence. This is rubbish as we have had 3 structural engineer reports to say that it is indeed subsidence. We then took it to the Insurance ombudsman, who after nearly two years of waiting have turned our claim down as well. I don't know where to go from here. Can any one give me an idea? I can supply lots more detail if required.
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