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  1. Thank you so much Jon for your input, I have sent an email to the complaints department, that is listed on the contract, and again have a copy of the email, I love to keep my pst files. I have talked to the FOmbudsman and he told me to make a complaint, so far 24 hours after making the aboce complaint they have yet to respond. I have no problem paying what I have to, not here to try and run, but as I have asked them sevral times now for there payment details they just blank me, I know my email is working fine as I send a copy to my hotmail account, and I get that no problem, there was no box, in 99.9% sure that I ticked or did not tick regarding the charge for using them. and yes I have got a new account, I'm just trying to make sure if this goes to court, that I have done every thing right and by the book. as like I said I have no problem paying what they sent me, but there is no way on gods earth I'm paying any more, as I did pull out of the contract. Again Many thanks for giving me some advice, I'm kind of lost on what to do. But thank fully things have taken a turn for the better money wise, and im in debt but not up to my eyes as to need help from legal money sharks
  2. Good evening folks, I have a bit of a problem with the above payday company, on the 17 December 2011, I made the mistake of taking out a payday loan for £100. to my horror, they paid into my account £85.00 charging me the pleasure of giving me the money. They then decided the total I needed to pay back was £150.00 So within two hours I sent them an email to cancel the payday loan, under the 14 day distant selling rule. I have never used them before nor will I again. So I sent teh email, as stated in the contract they sent me. and got a response asking me to do it via there online form, which gave me no written record, so I told them no, and sent the cancelation again. This is now where it gets strange, after I sent it to them a second time, again all the same day, they have totally blanked me, I have requested there bank details so I can pay them, but nothing. all I get now are you need to pay us this amount and that amount, so far they claim I now need to pay them £600+ I have sent them two letters and have kept the slips to confirm they got posted, and I have kept all emails I sent them including the ones they sent back. I'm just making sure that I have covered all my bases and have done every thing right and in my power. ie requesting details so I can pay them back, kept all records and post slips, and canceled via email, as noted in the contract. Also I need to know where can I go from here, to sort this out. its been going on now for a few months. and it now making me feel rather ill. Summary loan was £100 they gave me £85 I cancelled via email (all emails kept) got a response from them, the same day loan was taken out. Sent two letters, got the conformation slips that the post office posted them. and kept all my emails I sent to them. They now claim I need to pay them £600+ What are my options here and have I covered myself here. I'm so sorry for the long post, and the formatting, not my best point. Yours John
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