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  1. I forgot to mention I got my money back. I am trying to do anything to get my hands on one of those new xboxs ever since my last broke. I am also quite happy to stay up in-till midnight Thanks zico291 p.s I will try your idea to try and reserve 15mins after store closes do you think that I will have any luck trying to reserve at midnight. I will also tell you the outcome.
  2. ok you have thank you for all of your replys the real reason i wanted to post this thread is because well this is the story. My xbox had some really bad problems and in the end it just broke so I rang up microsoft and I was on the phone for an hour and then the guy just put the phone down. So I rang back and they said just take it back to the shop. So I took it back to the shop (Ringwood Road, Bournemouth) and I spent half an hour in there (I was talking to the manger). He was really good about the problem. He then rang the warehouse and they said that we could have the new xbox 360 250gb early. So I bought the xbox 360 I did say though that it was not realeased to the 16th july (they said we could have a week and half early) so I waited in all day that wedensday and it did not arrive. I then rang customer services, the guy said that they were wrong to tell you that you could have a week and a half early. Thats when he said that we should reserve it 1min after midnight. So there you have it that is the whole story. thanks for all the replys again zico291 p.s if you have question on this feel free to ask.
  3. We rang up the customer services and they said that we can reserve it at bournemouth, ringwood road. at about 1min after midnight they also said that ringwood road bournemouth they had four new xbox's. Do you think that the customer services were lying about the renervations? I am not trying to offend Argos because most of the time they are quite helpful and I buy from them quite alot. Thank you so much for answering these questions.
  4. I am trying to reserve the new xbox 360 250gb Thanks sorry for the double post
  5. How far in advance can you reserve item that are going to come out in argos?
  6. I have bought a item from a shop and it has broken. when i looked on argos website to see wheather they had any more xbox pros/premiums they were discontinued. I have also read that all the other xboxs are being discontinued except for the new one (coming out 16th july). The real question I am asking is: what would argos do if i took my item back to shop?
  7. Thank you for all that replied
  8. I bought and xbox 360 premium from argos and I have now got some issues with it the issues are as follows: its overheated 4 times It has screwed up 3 of my discs And it has got the red ring of death 3 times and the controller does not work anymore the product is still under guarantee but the xbox 360 premium has been discountined. Can I still take it back?
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