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  1. Thanks guys, all very positive ... OK, well, I have finally checked my card - a refund was indeed made, but its interesting in that its not quite right. The original demand was for 250. The first payment I made was 100. A week later, I made a payment for 150. After sending the email to the bailiff informing them of my payment, a refund was made, but only for the first payment, ie 100 pounds. So even though I did pay them, with the correct case ref, and the two payment were received (with emails confirming so), I technically owe them 100 pounds. So really, I dont know what to do. Perhaps I should ringfence this money somewhere so that I never touch it, in case they demand it. Either way, I paid them, they gave me (some of ) my money back. What should I do? I dont want the responsibility of ringfencing this cash, at my inconvenience. Also, feels like I'm being stung here - ie I did pay them, but they give me back so Im still owing so I can be penalised further. Thanks all
  2. Bartok and Fairparking, Sounds promising! Yes, I paid online dierct to HM courts, and have emails automatically sent to me by website to show that payments were made. As for whether the refund has actually been made, this I havent checked yet - I'll phone up later on to see if its true: will update you. Bit worried, however - Ploddertom advises to pay (assuming payment refunded). You really think that liability has been discharged? Ta, El Kingy
  3. Hi all, I've been a silly silly boy - my speeding ticket went to court, and I was found guilty and ordered to pay fines and costs of £250. Well, I sort of dragged my heels a bit, and even though there were a number of reminders, I was stupid and kept procrastinating. anyway, I received a letter from a bailiff, which of course whipped me into action, which said that HMCS has handed over the collection to them. they want the costs I owe to court, plus their fee. Begin hopeful of trying to avoid further fees and costs, and hoping that it may be a mistake, or its not too late to pay the court, I visited HMCS website to pay online; I entered the case reference, entered £100, and it all went through ok. The next day, I paid the rest (another £150). I sent an email to baliff, telling them I'd paid it. A week later, they responded, telling me that my payment had been refunded, and i had to pay them. So ok, I was very stupid to let it get this far, but I cant seem to get away from the fact that I paid the court, and it was accepted. Afterall, does this mean anyone can refund money, then 6 months later, thell them that they are still owed cash? So I was hoping that a kind helpful person could tell me where I stand. Muchas Gracias. El Kingo.
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