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  1. Okay I dont have kids or a dog lol. Too young for kids!! Thank you so much for all of your help As long as it is all over by Christmas lol
  2. Okay, thank you, I shall just file them away and leave them. There is one question, after first letter how long until they actually leave me alone??
  3. So I do not reply to anything and I just leave it and Shred any letters that come from them?? Is there any letters I would need to keep from them or read??
  4. I did watch it and I feel better about leaving it even though I was in the staff car park but honestly did not know as it really was not marked that clearly. I will just deny that I was driving and do not know who was that day. Simples Thank you for all of your advice and help on this matter, I really do appreciate it.
  5. So I have no need to worry or anything? Just leave it and it will all go away on its own?? I think the car park had CCTV but I have 3 people (including me) registered to my car. Does the CCTV matter?
  6. Would this apply to me?? I overstayed in a Morrison's car park in Peckhan S London and received a fine of £40 if I paid within 14 days. I waited until I received a reminder then I wrote to the parking enforcement company (called parking eye). Stating that under constitutional law they are breaking the law by demanding money from me before any court conviction (bill of rights 1689) and any claim they had would be null and void as they had demanded monies from me. As they had written to me twice I had to advise them of the terms and conditions of writing to me, which are thus: I will accept two free letters but any third letter received; would trigger the acceptance of the fact that they would have to pay me an admin fee of £50 per letter, but the third letter would also be a free letter unless I received a fourth letter related to this matter. In which case I would have to charge for ALL four letters. I would invoice them and request payment within 7 days otherwise court action would follow on the 8th day. The terms are fair under the Unfair terms Act 1999 as this is for my time and expenses. Any fifth letter would trigger a harassment action under the 1997 Protection from Harassment Act, which I would be entitled to claim £5,000 in damages for mental anguish. It was a different car park and I was accidently in the staff area, but would that still be of use to me when and if they did write to me?
  7. Would the citizens advice bureau be able to tell me all of what you have been telling me as well? It is not that I do not believe any of you, I am just scared that they might take me to court!!
  8. Okay thank you. How do you know all of this information anyway? Have you been to the police or something and asked them?? I am worried about just leaving it though. I am in uni and really cannot afford that much
  9. I did not know I was appealing I was just SO annoyed that they want me to pay £50 - £70 when parking is free and I was accidently in the staff car park as it was not clearly maked, the signs were not big enough to catch attention and only 'slow' was written on the ground where as the other car park there had 'staff only' on the ground, so I assumed that was the only staff parking area. They made two staff parking areas and both have different signs which is confusing as you would have thought that they would be the same. I really do not want to have to pay more. I think what makes it worse is that they want me to pay card and cheque handling fees ontop. A standard parking ticket is only £20!!!! They sent me back you have not quoted your reg number or ticket number so this cannot be passed on. They have passed it on to the car park I was parked in to check the signs but they assured me that they are actually there. Yeah, there but tiny and marked different to the other staff parking area!!
  10. I have received a parking ticket after accidently parking in a staff car park that was not clearly labelled. They had a small sign and a no entry sign but, no markings on the road saying staff only and the people who were handing out the fines have also told me to complain which suggests to me that they do not think that the signs are clear enough either. When you enter the car park it says free parking and the staff one is in the actual car park. It is a private company (euro cars) that have issued the ticket as well. They are charging me £50 and £70 if I do not pay within 14 days. I really do not know what to do. Could you provide me with any help please? I have emailed them to say that they were not clearly marked but the only details I gave them was Miss J Dabson and nothing else about where the car was, what my reg was, reg on ticket or anything. Also my ticket to send them a cheque does not have my car reg plate number on it at all so I cannot pay them. Any advice would be really appreciated Thanks JoJo
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