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  1. Hi all, cant believe this is still ongoing in 2013 from 2010 when I first posted. after months of inactivity and still no compliance to my requested CCA, I have today received a letter from Robinson Way stating I have been sold to Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Ltd as of November 2012. A quick Google reveals its in fact Robinson Way who have been sold, if this is a fact I take it my original dispute and CCA is still valid and the onus is still with Hoist (Robinson Way) to fulfill my request ?
  2. The OFT website as a link to the Financial Ombudsman Service who in turn have a downloadable complaints form, is this the way to go ? http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/consumer_leaflets/credit/oft1299.pdf
  3. Thanks for the replies. The fact that this matter as been ongoing now since 2010 and we seem to be going round in circles with no sign of Robinson Way providing any adequate information requested, it did cross my mind to take their tactics and intransigence to a responsible body. I will look up the procedure to make a complaint with the OFT & TS. Thanks Again.
  4. Cheers, should I just keep the letters with the rest and consider my previous replies as adequate, I'm getting tired of writing the same replies constantly, its like a war of attrition.
  5. An update. Everything went quite regarding this case, still waiting for a copy of the Credit Agreement asked for in 2010. Last week I received a letter out of the blue stating that Robinsons Way's local representative may call, then today I have received the fake statement with the false address again (highlighted on the first page of this thread), giving me 10 days to reply. Any advise ?.
  6. Thanks Bazooka Boo, I was worried that by replying I could inadvertently weaken my case and do the same by not replying. I'll take your advice and wait for a properly signed letter and not one that is an electronic photo copy.
  7. Advice needed again, I have today received another letter from Robinson Way, The letter was headed and underlined with "Where Have We Gone Wrong". It went on to state that I have ignored all their correspondence and calls (liars). They went on to state that there may be a possibility that they will accept a reduced amount and that this reduced amount may be accepted in instalments. Keeping in mind that my original complaint and request for a Copy Credit Agreement was because they where requesting far more than waht was borrowed and had not deducted payments given to another debt company How should I proceed, A) hold out for my Copy Credit Agreement and true statement of all monies received ?. B) Offer what I think I owe (deducting previous payments?. C) Ask them to make an offer?. D) Ignore the letter ?. Would B and C be an admission of guilt to the full amount and would D) go against me should we go to court ?
  8. Another update, Robinson Way seem to be ignoring me, no letters or calls since my letter dated 14th March, two months ago.
  9. Thanks for your reply, I posted them a letter on the 14th March as per the advice from Bazooka Boo, to date I have had no reply, maybe the postman will deliver the next instalment of the saga this week.
  10. Thanks for that link Bazooka Boo (been offline), because shortly after the previous letter I received another one from the the 'solicitors' with the same address as Robinson Way coincidently. This letter states that they have now been instructed to proceed with court action if I do not pay in full immediately.
  11. Another update (I know its getting tiresome) I ignored their last two repetitive computer generated letters, but today I got a different one. Same printer but this one is dressed up as being from their solicitors Horwich & Farrelly, it states I have ignored their clients (clearly stated Robinson Way ex HFC) many requests for payment, no mention of my ignored CCA request or many letters asking for other information. It goes on to state that if I dont make a payment within 10 days, they may take court action. Should I reply with a short letter stating account in dispute due to ignored CCA request or ignore the letter completely ?.
  12. **Update** I am getting quite angry with Robinson Way now, my request for a CCA (made over six month ago) is still being ignored. This last month I have received another copy of (in my opinion fraudulent) statement with the fictitious address. A letter stating that Robinson Way have viewed my credit file to establish my address, even though I have written to them on numerous occasions. Now I have received a letter stating that because I have ignored their letters (I have replied to everyone with registered or proof of posting and they have even acknowledged one or two in writing), they may arrange a door step visit. All I want is a copy of my loan agreement with the correct loan amount, a statement with all payments made to all parties. is that too much to ask, what are they trying to hide ? Any advise on how to proceed, because this seems a proper brick wall and truth seems to be in short supply in Salford.
  13. Just an update on my case, I have had no real contact from Robinson Way, except for a monthly letter stating my account was on hold pending a search for the information required from their client. Then unbelievably today they have sent the 'fictitious' statement again (no blank credit agreement this time), mentioned in my opening post. I can not believe the intelligence of these people. The covering letter stated I had 10 days to make an offer of payment.
  14. Well its deja vu time, received the same letter today that I got when I first sent my CCA request. Stating that my case was on hold whilst they get a copy of a loan agreement or statement proving liability, whats the betting that I get the blank form and 'strange statement' that I received last time ?. Both of which, don't clear up the issues in dispute. Well here's hoping for a better result this time.
  15. Thank you both for your advice again, I'll follow your instructions. I'm sure my 'friends' read this site, the calls have stopped for the last two days, there as been one number withheld call on my phone (obviously I cant say who from). I wonder it they are taking this "further action without notifying you" route.
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