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Also skint

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Everything posted by Also skint

  1. Hi Thanks for the reply. It was Manolo's thread that the bank turned up in Aberdeen, scares me!!! The charges as follows:- 01/08/2002 30 02/09/2002 60 02/01/2003 60 03/02/2003 75 03/03/2003 180 01/05/2003 20 02/06/2003 20 01/07/2003 40 01/08/2003 30 01/09/2003 240 Can I just exclude one of the charges on 1/5/03 or 2/6/03 of do I have to exclude the £240 so as to include the whole period? Thanks again S
  2. Me again!! Been very busy at work and with 2 young sons so have put the completion of forms to the back of the pile - again!! I have decided to do it this week and get them into court. I am in Edinburgh so I take it I go to the court at Parliament Square, is anyone else in Edinburgh? Couple of questions I am making the first of my claims from 1/8/02 to 1/9/03. The charges amount to £755, can I restrict this to £750 or do I deduct the charge on 1/9/03 to bring it down to £515? Also how do I calculate the interest? I must admit I am getting very scared reading the threads whom the banks are turning up to court. Hopefully hear from someone soon so that I can get my money back!!!!
  3. Thank you Woolfie. I think i am going to go down the Scottish route and submit several claims for £750. Will print off the forms tonight and get them in this week. Thanks for your help S x
  4. Now I am totally confused! Robertxc advised that I would be able to go through the English courts but didn't mention anything about using a relative's address, I don't have any in England I'm afraid. Do you think it would be better to do it all in Edinburgh in chunks of £750 (close to where I live). I don't fancy going down to England if they do defend. I sent the bank the initial letter and then the step 2 letter threatening legal action but that was about a month ago, should I send them another giving them one last chance? Any help would be appreciated as each time I read some advice it contradicts what I have read previously. S x
  5. Hi I have started a new thread so any help would be appreciated. I can apparently do the whole claim in England as LTSB is registered in England and the limit is £5K XXX
  6. I was kindly passed onto the Scottish site and so glad that I have read all your messages as I feel exactly the same as everyone else - very scared! It has been about a month since I sent my last letter to LTSB asking for £5K back. I live in Edinburgh and telephoned round a few of the smaller solicitors who would take the case on for me but was informed that only the bigger companies specialise in banking law. I have now been advised that as LTSB is registered in England I can do the whole lot in a oner down there as their limit is £5K. My questions: 1. Do I add interest onto this or shall I just go for the £5K 2. Which court do I use? I have been looking at other peoples threads and some say the borders as it is closer to me and others say the court nearest the bank head office. 3. If they do try to defend do I have to turn up? I would be grateful if anyone could take me through this step by step and what I write on the forms. Thank you all so much it is a great website and will be happy to contirbute 5% on anything I get back (and take anyone who helps out for a slap up meal - that's if you live in Edinburgh!!) S x
  7. Thank you so much, have looked at the Scottish website this makes sense now! There are a lot of people in Edinburgh who are willing to talk me through it Thanks
  8. Hi all I was kindly passed onto the Scottish site and so glad that I have read all your messages as I feel exactly the same - very scared! It has been about a month since I sent my last letter to LTSB asking for £5K back. I live in Edinburgh and telephoned round a few of the smaller solicitors who would take the case on for me but was informed that only the bigger companies specialise in banking law, I never thought that I could do separate claims of £750. I will be very interested to see how you all get on. I would now like to press ahead with my first (of many!) claims and would appreciate your help. Can I e-mail someone to get the proforma? It is great to hear that there are people in Edinburgh that will help, I may take you up on that offer!
  9. I have been through the steps of sending 2 letters to Lloyds TSB and getting all the same replies as the rest of you - not a chance! My husband started his business 4 years ago and the first few were a nightmare for cashflow so started to miss DD payments and getting bank charges and like the rest of you had that snowball effect. Adding them up they come to over £5000. I am now at the stage, will I take it further. I have tried a couple of small solicitors here in Edinburgh but it is only the big ones that take on banking law with charge out rates of over £100 per hour. Looking through the various threads and looking at the website you are all using it seems to be English Law. I don't feel that confident proceeding with this myself so am looking for some help if anyone can give it. Thank you so much in advance.
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