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Everything posted by chocchoc

  1. they're so lame! lol thanks for the link! i won't get into anything with them after this last letter, iv got way more important things to think about, thanks guys:-)
  2. hello again! i first came on here in june about an OPC parking ticket. I am about to send them my final ceast and desist letter because after not replying to me for nearly 3 months they STILL havent given me the evidence i asked for and they've now transfered the matter to their legal department AND upped the charge to £100 from £50. With any luck they won't bother again, but im interested in OPC's previous habits?
  3. would you be able to post a link to that please? I'm not very good with this
  4. yeah i just have actually lol i didnt think about it like that oh have they really?? well thats abit worrying but would be good practice for me as im a law student! good to know they havent won anything yet though and i will do, thank you so much for the advice! it's a big comfort that so many people have beaten them but more people need to know this stuff! i will definitely spread the word thanks to this forum
  5. thank you, u reckon its just a lot of big talk then and they wont chase me for it?
  6. as far as i know they dont, but my question was IF they can provide evidence of who the driver was THEN are they liable to pay? the main question was about the part of the letter than i quoted about it being submitted to court without further notice.. suggesting that they won't contact me again themselves for me to be able to respond requesting evidence and that i will just hear from the court which is not what i want
  7. Hello, today i received a 'Private Parking Charge' for exceeding the permitted period of 2 hours on a free car park. It states that 'if full payment is not received by OPC within 28 days of the date of issue of the Private Parking Charge (or the discounted payment within 14 days), this debt will be submitted to the County Court for collection without further warning.' I would really rather not be contacted by any court or anything so should i send the first template letter requesting proof of who was driving the car now or sweat it out to see what happens? Also, it displays very exact times of the car entering and leaving the car park and i'm worried that they do have evidence of who drove the car, is the driver then liable to pay if they display evidence of them doing so? I will go to the car park in question tomorrow to see if there are CCTV cameras that i haven't noticed before that may be able to see cars coming on and off the car park. Thanks so much for your time and in advance for any advice given
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