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  1. I received the judgement today, which is the same date GMAC should have had their first payment! I have just spoken to the court and I have to take the time order application there asap and also contact GMAC's solicitors to explain the delay, I will have to write to them as I have just spoken to them and they know nothing about it!! Fingers crossed they accept the £300 per month. They have also got the Reg number totally wrong and also said I have to pay £290 costs at the rate of £603.28 per month after the agreement has finished? Thanks.
  2. No problem, I am really grateful for the advice. I will wait for the paperwork to come and get the request sent off. I just can't get it in to my head why a company would be so awkward? I know I will not be able to but I would never use GMAC again and will be telling anyone who asks what a bunch they are! Thanks trooper68, I have made a start on the letter requesting this. Thanks again for all of your help.
  3. Thanks for the reply rcl. How do I go about doing this? I have not had any paperwork yet from the court, I am just going on what I was told over the phone. Thanks again.
  4. £600 per month is going to be one massive struggle, if at all possible. This on top of having to hire a barrister for 3 days (approx £3500 quote from my solicitor) in connection with an ongoing custody case which I still don't know how I'm going to manage! One thing after another. Thanks.
  5. I contacted the court this morning to see what had happened. I have been told the judge ordered the repossession but suspended it and as there are 8 months left on my agreement, ordered me to pay £600 per month? The lady I spoke to said I should seek legal advice regarding a 'time order'? Thanks for all of your help getting me this far
  6. Many thanks, I printed that off an added some correspondence between GMAC and myself, with GMAC asking for ridiculous repayments afer I have told them about my problems. Hopefully it will help. Am I able to contact the court to see what has been decided? I had a small hope of getting the shift off but it did not work out Thanks for all of your help
  7. Thanks again for the reply. I can deliver it by hand as typically my day off is Tuesday! A template or something to go on would be fantastic if you could spare the time? I had hoped to find some money together to go with me to court but found out on Thursday I need to find in the region of £3500 to hire a barrister for 3 days in connection with my son's custody hearing Thanks again Ell-enn.
  8. Thanks, I just pointed out that I have had a run of deaths in my immediate family and also that I cam currently involved in a costly custody case which has escalated. I also said how much I had paid off the car and also that it was an essential part of my job. I have pleaded with work for the day off but there is no other cover for my shift due to people being on leave. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks for the reply. I filled in the paperwork income and outgoings etc and offered to pay £300 per month. My normal payment was £281. I have already offered this to GMAC directly before this court action began but they would accept no less than nearly £600 per month which is why I am in this mess!
  10. I got all my paperwork in and put in a covering letter for the judge. I am really struggling to get the time off from work to attend the hearing, the last thing I need right now is problems with work! Will this go against me? As the date draws closer and closer out of the blue I received a witness statement from GMAC that resembled an Argos book! Really clever tactic - leave it until last minute and send it out so I get it on a Saturday, just like the court notice! Is this something I now need to do or is this why I completed the response pack? Thanks for all of your help so far.
  11. Thanks for the reply. No, not sorted yet! I spoke to cab today but can't see them until next friday for help with the paperwork but I wanted to get it back asap! I am just a bit unsure on what to fill in! Thanks
  12. Thanks for the replies. I am hoping I don't need a solicitor, another £300 - £400 in costs! I think I will need to get some advice as I am a bit unsure about filling in the form! I have an acknowledgement of service form, admission and defence and couterclaim form to fill in. The more I read them the more confused I get! Thanks.
  13. This is what the paperwork states:- Started 31st May 2005, car was £16395 I paid £3903.74 deposit. Total charge for credit is £4575.94 and HP balance £17067.20 total charge £20970.94. The agreement was modified in 28th April 2009 (through close assistance first visit) Total payable was £7072.48 and I have made payment of £2246.01 which leaves £4826.47. It states the claimant claims, 1) An order for specific delivery of the said goods or payment of an amount equivalent to it's present value. 2) £4826.24 representing the unpaid balance of the hp agreement. 3) Further or alternatively damages 4) Interest under section 69 of the courts act 1984 in such amount as the court deems just. 5) Costs. All the is on the claim form. I have then had: Notice of hearing response pack N9C N9D N1C Could I also ask if all the paperwork goes back to the court (asks for it asap) do I need to attend the hearing on 22 July? All this is crazy! Why GMAC did not agree to a reasonable payment plan is beyond me, they would have had at least 2 payments by now, probably 3, all they seem to be interested in is generating fee's! It will cost me a small fortune getting a solicitor to go to court with me Thanks.
  14. Thanks, I will have a look when I get in (2100) and post it for you. Forgot to say thanks for the offer to help me with a letter, it is really appreciated, I am desperate to keep the car and my job!
  15. Thanks Ell-enn for your reply. I am not sure to be honest, I have come to work without the papers! I am hoping the detials are on the court papers as I moved house about 18 months ago and still cannot find loads of paperwork which the agreement will be amoung, they are probably now buried in the loft Should I contact GMAC for a breakdown of fee's? Thanks again for your help with this VERY worrying matter.
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