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  1. thank you so much for you help and information. i will get on to it straight away. why does a fee need to be sent with this letter?? i am happy to pay it i need to and if it will help me, just wondering what it is for. thank you i just dont understand why i need to pay to recieve information about my account. surely this should be provided on request. as i say im a bit dumb and dont know much about any of this lol
  2. thanks for your reply. can i ask how i go about sending a DSAR to orange. i may sound dumb, but i dont have a clue what to do. thank you
  3. first of all could i ask what a DSAR is please???? the only writen proof i have is a copy of the email i sent to orange to terminate my contact, this is still in the sent items of my email account. all other communication has been done over the phone. as i normally call their 0800 number, it doent show on my phone bills (i dont know whether BT would be able to help with this). moorcroft have told me they are collecting on behalf of Orange Personal Communications. do you know whether orange HAVE to provide me with a copy of my contract if i ask for it because this has been refused thank you
  4. i also have never recieved or signed a contract with orange as the contract was taken out over the phone. will this go in my favour???
  5. forgot to mention. my local MP has been trying to help me with this matter. she had no luck and has refused to help any further.
  6. hi, first of all i am new here so any help would be greatly appreciated. right here i go. i took out a mobile contract with orange on 18th feb 2009, 24 month dolphin contract, within the 1st year i had nothing but trouble with the handsets i had been sent, i had 6 'new' handsets from them. when i continued to have these problems, each of the handsets switched themselves off when they decided to, i then called and asked for yet another replacement plus this time i needed a new sim as mine had snapped in half. i was told i would have to pay £15 for a new handset, which i refused due to the continuing problems, i dint want to pay for it as i knew i would need another at some point in the future, i then told them to leave the fone and just send me a sim. i was then told by a customer service advisor, this wouldnt be possible as i wouldnt accept the £15 fee for a new fone. at this point i hadnt made a call from my handset for nearly 5 months but continued to pay my bill. so i was left without a fone or sim to use (surely this alone is enough to blame them for lack of service). during the time of my contract, i took out another contract (silly i know) for my partner. no troubles at all with this contract or handset. i emailed orange on 21st june 2010 to cancel my contract as i had been unable to use my contract due to no sim being sent to me. this request was ignored. i refused to pay any more money to them till this matter was resolved. i have now been handed over to Moorcroft, oranges debt recovery team with a £523 for call charges and remained of my contarcts (both fones were disconnected due to none payment) what do i do as i think this has gone to far now and i seriously dont believe i owe the full amount. orange refuse to speak to me and moorcroft are a group of nasty people i would rather not deal with
  7. Im not being prejudice towards any group, just stating the facts as advertised on the DWP website relating to this, it does open a deeper side to this issue because how can a crisis loan be offered to any random individual, irrelevant to there place of birth or background??? It is just illogical to give these to any random person, surely the crisis loan procedure was implemented to help the british working class people who needed it??? From what I have read into the whole crisis loan thing, the worst part of the procedures is that if I was a convicted criminal recently released from prison I would be a priority above anybody else, how can this be of benefit to a civilised society, also when the average working man/woman who has continually worked for 16 years is refused upon there first application, well that just stinks to me, it is supposed to help people collectively, not just ex-convicts or assylum seekers, what about helping the families whoose generations before helped our country become GREAT, the generations that built our country, with there skills and expertise, also there tax payments at the time would have helped fund our growth. Im after equality for each applicant not just the favoured minority as the trend is nowadays in our over hyped, PC/nanny state enviroments.
  8. It should be but Im up 2 my limit currently and the application is in my partners name, hes never applied for any social fund loans and isnt able to because of my previous loans, so according to the relevant people involved my two young children running around and crawling on bare floorboards isnt classed as a health and safety risk under the current legislation, this is why we hve been refused a crisis loan. Would I have got it if we were foreign or assylum seekers, under the current legislation they would be a priority as would recently released convicts from prison.
  9. Hi, Im trying to get a crisis loan at the moment to furnish a new house for myself, partner and two children, I got there reply today and it says that they dont consider an unfurnished house as a safety risk, my children are 3 years and 15 months of age. I asked for funding to get a carpet as the house isnt carpeted, your help and advice would be very much appreciated.
  10. Thanks for your reply but I dont have any confidence in comet customer hinderence dept, this is not the first issue that Ive had with comet about an extended warranty cover and being missold products by your salespeople, who have told me they were giving me something for free to then devalue my purchase by hundreds of pounds!!! Ive paid again very good money to comet to be told that I have to pay again, no thanks Id rather take you to a small claims court under SOGA 1979. Unless your going to actually do something to help!!! Which I doubt will help me in anyway shape or form.
  11. Yes thats right, I was told my warranty was a 12 month period of cover now they say its 24 months, only after I asked for my refund for the remaining period that I wanted to cancel. This is after they told me in January to go to HP because I wasnt covered until the end of the first 12 months, I.E. manufacturers guarantee With this being thier attitude towards the issue Id like very much to try and get a replacement laptop, Im covered for accidental damage, has anyone got any good ideas?
  12. Hi, I got a laptop from comet may 2009, with 12 extended warrrenty cover, which now they are saying is 24 months cover because I want it refunding, I was obviously missold this. Ive had problems with the laptop, had a new fan fitted in jan2010, which comet said I wasnt covered under warrenty for with them and to go to HP, they fitted a new fan and it seems much better now. Ive always had battery problems which comet are claiming Im not covered for, apparently the only cover they have given me is accidental damage, so Id like to try and get a new laptop, anyone got any ideas on the best way? Thanks Laura
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