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Everything posted by G9mtk

  1. Hi mate, wondering if you have heard owt back yet? My own case sounds pretty similar and have tried pretty much every letter template and read many a thread including car2403 and chris1977. both are very informative but ultimately end up in court. I feel my own is now going to have to go the same route. In a nut shell I had a current account overdraft with them and it was made up largely of the penalty charges that were at the time being disputed. I had a case lodged for refund of around 4k in unfair charges but they held out as the banks were taking on the oft regarding the legality of the said charges. Despite the fact the debt was in dispute, they placed a default against me and pretty much just wiggle and deny they have done any wrong in their replies to my letters. When I question the legality of the fact the debt was in dispute they just say that the charges are indeed lawful so therefore that argument is unfounded. Ive also tried the default notice route but they quote the oft determination. anyone have any ideas or advice please mick
  2. Hi car, I would like to mirror what many others have said previously and say what a great read this is, many thanks for giving so many others hope and unselfishly sharing your experiences so people like myself have a point of reference when it comes to challenging the banks. In my own case I have a dispute with hsbc regarding the default of an overdraft but not really too confident of a successful outcome as the test case is now over ref the charges. mick
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