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  1. I was actually writing to locate information on behalf of my father. I will try and get a measurement from him as soon as I can (as I have not personally viewed it), but he estimates about £50 worth of carpet is left. I know that in general many might think this is a small amount of money but he is a pensioner and this job cost him over £1000 which i think was a bit extreme bearing in mind the small area he wanted to be done. But generally i just wanted to find out where the legal stance is on issues like this? Thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance on this.
  2. Hi everyone I will keep this post short and sweet and hope that someone will be able to offer me advice. If a carpet retailer measures my floor for a carpet fitting, then once the carpet is fitted (again by them), I find that there is an excessive amount left over. The carpet retailer has been approached to have the excess returned and a refund sought but they have so far refused. Where do i stand legally? Should the retailer give me a refund as they should have calculated the correct amount required or should I just cut my losses?
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