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  1. Hi all, I am a private tenant living in Scotland, we have been tenants for two year with this landlord when we decided to give notice of moving, everything was very amicable and we agreed that the landlord could show perspective new tenants around whilst we were still there, I received a text from her saying that on the following Friday she would visit and that she had a couple who wanted to view the property, she said that if I was not home she would just let herself in however as I have two dogs I said that it would be better that we were home and gave her three dates to choose from, all within one week of the original date. She turned up on the Friday at 7PM and demanded access which was refused as it was only my 15 yr old daughter that was at home at the time. we then started to recieve calls from her husband saying that they would return the next day and gain access weather we like it or not, as they said they had a legal right. As our new property was already available we decided that to save any more hassle we would vacate the property sooner rather than later which we did, we sent her a text telling her that we had moved but we said that we would keep the keys till the end of the tenancy agreement as we still had to do a full clean of the property and that we would also like to decorate a few rooms (we have a 15 yr old who likes strange coloured walls) , we thought that this would be an acceptable proposal for her as she could show new tenants round without us being there. She however did not see it this way and started demanding the keys of the property back as she said that we have broken the T&C`s of the lease. (Short Term Assured Lease). She said in a text to me that if she did not receive the keys by a certain time the next day then she would inform the police, I therefore returned her keys. The question is this, as she has demanded the keys back even after I explained that we were still tenants and that we wanted to carry out some remedial repairs and paint work to the property as well as a full clean of the house are we still liable for rent, has she affectively ended the tenancy by removing our access to the property ? One last thing, she has sent us a letter demanding that we pay for cleaners, decorators and a specialised company to carry out a steam clean of the house as she has stated that there is a smell of dogs, (well there would be as we have two Labs which she knew about and gave permission for) We were intending to carry out all of the work ourselves but as said she had stopped us gaining access. All advice would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks You.
  2. I have my letter, they said they needed additional paperwork signed which they recieved in middle of august but since then I am being told that they are dealing with it and should recieve my payment into my bank in 21days, then 10days, then 10days again, called them today and was told I should have funds this week, Wont hold my breath..
  3. Oh No! I had an old loan with them which had PPI written into it, I consolodated the loan with another, signed the agreement and everythings was fine, Recently I requested all my loan agreements which they supplied and I started to reclaim my PPI (only sold on the first original loan), Welcome were fine and after a few letters back and forth they agreed to repay my PPI, however I had to `re-book` the loan which I am paying now as that was calculated with the original loan and PPI in mind. they sent me out a new agreement with monthly payments less than what I was paying, there was no date on there so I contacted them who assured me that everything would be worked out at there end and they will deduct all payments from the `re-booked` loan that I have already made, so I signed it and sent it all away, have not heard anything from them and everytime I contact them about my PPI I am advised that it will be paid in the next few days, this is quite a new claim so Im waiting to see what happens, but Im now worried about the new lower agreement that I have signed... Help..
  4. I have an unsecured loan with welcome finance, I was paying £264.00 per month to this and until recently I never missed a payment however my wife left me and since then I have struggled to pay the amount, I have asked welcome to reduce the payments to help but they have refused point blank, I have moved house to a cheaper rented accommodation and have cut back on all non essential things, I am trying to help myself and all other debtors have been great and have frozen all charges and interest except welcome, I dont want to not pay them at all but cant see any other way, I have read on here to pay them whatever amount I can afford (currently no more than £50.00 per month) but they said that if i did that then the interest would be greater than what im paying and I would soon have this debt spiraling out of control. What would happen if I stopped paying them, I feel that if this loan got moved to a debt management company then I could negotiate with them about the interest and payments.. Thanks
  5. Hi can you give me an update on wha the outcome was as Im about to go down the same road with them. Thanks
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