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Everything posted by Speck1965

  1. I will pay, but there will be an accompanying letter letting them know exactly what I think of their greedy, revenue raising attitude to fair justice. I am VERY angry about this.
  2. Update...... Phoned Linconshire Central Finance today to find out what its all about. Seems that in 2005 I was zapped by a speed camera. The standard offer of £60 fine and three points was allegedly sent to me and as I did not reply I was taken to court in my absence charged with failure to name the driver, I was fined £263.00 and given three points on my licence. I asked what I could do about it now as this was the first I knew of it. They said my only option was to go to my local magistrates court and swear in front of a judge that I did not know of this action. This will then be sent to Lincoln where they may or may not re-issue papers for another court case, which I may lose. I asked why it took five years to chase this fine and they claimed they took that long to verify that lived at my address! Also, it has occurred to me that my motor insurance has probably been invalid for the past five years as it seemed I had these points but did not tell the insurance company. I think they got me banged to rights here so I reckon my only option is to cough up the money? Carl
  3. Thanks, will contact Monday and report result here. I am a HGV driver and travel all over to country, about 100,000 miles a year, I am imagining I must have committed some sort of parking or speeding offence at some time. Still doesn't explain why this is the first communication I have received though? Carl
  4. Hi, Letter has the court crest on it but address is Lincolnshire Central Finance, 358 High Street, Lincoln LN5 7QA. I know I have to find out more on Monday but it is the 10 deadline than concerns me, most of which will be gone by Monday. Carl
  5. Hi, new to group, hope this is right area to post in. Today (12/6/10) I have received a letter from Lincolnshire Central Finance (HMCS??) which starts as follows: The amount you owe is £263.00. As you have failed to make payment as directed, you are hereby given notice that one or more of the following steps listed below will be taken against you. It then goes on to list various items such as bailiffs, wheel clamping etc. The problem is, and I swear I am being absolutely truthful here, I have not got the foggiest idea what this is about and this is the first correspondence I have ever received on the matter. The letter gives no indication at all as to what the fine is for or what I have supposed to have done. The other worry is that the letter is dated 8th June, I have ten days from the date of the letter to pay up but as they do not work Saturdays (I tried to phone them) it will be 14th June before I can even phone them. Any advice as to how to deal with it? Before paying I obviously want to know what its all about but then this will be outside the ten day deadline. Should I pay up then try to find out what its about later? HELP!!! Carl
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