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  1. thanks lookinforinfo it was with an ex who stopped paying and they found my son instead of her,she had agreed to pay but stopped making payments.i think they think this is his house,it was hand delivered this morning.the guy was a bit taken abck when i photographed his car.hes going to call the council and say that he wont be dealing with 3rd party and wants to make arrangements to pay with them.the warrants are printed on rossendales headed paper they dont seem to have come from a court.
  2. thank you ,this is a real help.ill tell him to contact councill and ask for how to mke online payments to them,he was refused last time .
  3. thank you so much for the info,i suspect he wil be back soon,ill just ignore.as a single parent you do try to help as much as you can ,but all this stress is effecting my health now.i also read that he should contact the council and say that he would not be paying via a 3rd party and ask for details where he can pay them online.
  4. thanks for the reply ,its for council tax when he lived with his girlfreind three yrs ago.so i dnt have to let them in ,and theres no breakdown of costs or any balance in full figure.should he contact them as they state.
  5. hi guys today 26/06/2012 i got a doorstep visit from rossendales, the guy gave me a letter for my son .inside the envolpoe there are two letters non are dated. magistrates liability order/warrant of execution dated 26/03/2010 for then no boxes ticked. call blah blah to make imediate payment. failure to make contact may result in this matter being passed back to our client for consideration to apply for COMMITTAL TO PRISON . YOU MUST CALL BLAH BLH TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS. it also states balliff in charge mr xxxxx. letter two states FINAL NOTICE same as above balance due in full 24 hours £ --- ------Inclusive of costs ,note there is no figure in the balance in full. IMUST GIVE YOU 24 HOURS STATUATORY NOTICE OF MY INTENTIONS TO RECALL AND REMOVE YOUR EFFECTS, SUFFICENT TO SATISFY THE DEBTS AND COSTS. TO KEEP COSTS TO AMINUM I ASK THAT YOU CONTACT ME TO ARRANGE A TIME SUITABLE FOR US TO BE ALLOWED ACCESS TO YOUR PREMISES. IF PAYMENT IN FULL IS NOT MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS FUTHER COSTS MAY INCUR . My son lives with me doesnt have a lot of possesions , are they allowed in my house , even though he has the debt . what can i do to help
  6. hi guys thanks for the quick response ,heres more info the letter concerns a debt that i had with my ex wife ,who never payed a penny of it bck.unfortunately they caught me and when i said it was a joint bank account,basicly they just said well we found you we dont need to find her.even though i gave them her new adress where she worked and mobile . letter states power of attorney: national westminster bank plc account number ********* balance £238.95 i had been paying £20 per month for around 5 years ,then due to a change of adress and circumstances cancelled my standing order,which by the way they took the last 2 payments of £ 23 per month. i know i owe them money ,and would be willing to pay £ 10 p/m .just dont know how to go about it . thanks guys
  7. hi guys can any one advise on this letter i recevied today. as you will be aware we have communicated with you over a period of time to resolve this without the need for legl action.costs incured as a result of any litigation will be added to your balance .if we succeed in obtaining judgement agaisnt you. my name is marcus ************ and i have been appointed as your case handler. together with my team,it is my responsibility to progress your account through the litigation process,but also to assist and inform you on any query or questions you may have . your cse maybe processed and passed to our solicitors on or around 17th dec 11,a process that you can stop by telephoning ************** to disscuss your accountand reach an amicable solution. i will not be demanding payment in full. i will be open to suggestions from you on how this account can be settled. if you contact us before 17th dec 11,i can offer you a settlement figure on your outstanding balce.that means you only have to pay £179.22 to clear this account with us,and if required you can pay this over a 3 month period. you still have the opportunity to stop legal action and the possibility of settling your account over a period of time and by a method that is suitable to you. i trust you will take this opportunity to con tact us and save yourself the possible expense of litigation and the problems that any litigation in which we were succesfull would possiblt cause to your credit file would like to know what action i should take nxt many thanks john
  8. thank you ,will set the ball in motion ive paid £30 a month since feb 2008 so i should be owed quite a bit
  9. hi guys hope someone can advise me ,ive a credit card with vanquis and i have ppi .i made a claim on or around 25-09-2011. only to be told i dont qualify .i now read in the forum that because in self employed ,this makes me ppi null and void. also what little i can pay isnt even making a dent in the interest added. i spoke to some one today who agreed i could make a £100 a month payment for 3 months, then they would reveiw but he said the interest couldnt be froze and i would still be paying 1.5 % on the balance.i know i owe them money but feel i was misold the ppi and the late charges are extororiate.what can i do
  10. thank you will ring o2 asap and logg all the details.much appriecated
  11. thank you , we have been in touch with o2 and they say the matter has been passed to moorcroft,we even asked if we could set up a standing order with 02 with regards a payment plan.they wouldnt .so do we sit tight now ,and thanks for the ifo about photobucket much appriecated
  12. well here's the letter my son got at the weekend re telefonica o2 balance £2242.32 important information-possible litigation to prevent above possible action send payment before 07/07/11 or telephone 0161 475 2818 immediately if you do not contact us following the receipt of this letter we may have no alternative other than to recommend to our client that solicitors issue legal action against you which may follow. please note if legal action is necessary and if the solicitors instructed are successfull in entering judgement then your debt may increase as folloes current balance £2242.32 solicitors cost of issue of claim form £70.00 court fees for issue of claim form £75.00 solicitors cost for entering judgement (by default) £25.00 total judgement if obtained £2412.32 please contact us now.neither we nor our client want court proceedings to be issued and it is still possible for you to avoid this by agreeing a payment plan that you can afford and maintain i rang o2 and there balance was £1916. ny help would be appriceated many thanks
  13. im sorry trying to resize it ,i scaned it and pasted it but trying again,if not will type it out ,thnks
  14. hi guys just got another letter from mdr hope you guys can see this and help me with some more advice. my son phoned 02 and the amount owed tp them was £1916 . many thanks
  15. thank you so much for your help and will keep you posted .have a good wkd youve just made mine a little better thanks
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