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Everything posted by davidm53

  1. RIP thoughts with your family
  2. the ppi wasnt included in the interest as ims said it would have been shown on the statement
  3. ok thanks for that ims ,how can i word that proviso the SAR is not limited to just those accounts but covers all and any data you hold on myself like this ??
  4. so they havent been charging me PPI ?? also im sending an SAR to lloyds can i include this account as well as my bank account ???
  5. hi IMS my friend had a cap one card and no ppi was shown on the statement when he researched it he found that the ppi was included in the interest charges and is now claiming ,it was never shown on his statement as ppi payment.what does that mean in box in the picture???????
  6. I have just been informed that credit card companys embed the ppi in the interest charges ,so i read my lloyds credit card statement and found this [pic] does this mean that i have been paying PPI on this card ,please say yes
  7. UPDATE my friend decided to engage legal help with this ,and it was taken to crown court ,where upon the judge said there was no evidence and threw it out
  8. ive written and told them that a sig is not needed for this request, as they already know is me they are talking to by writing and asking for a sig
  9. they have said there is no evidence of any ppi insurance with this loan gonna send SAR .
  10. thanks will send off the claim see what happens,i was just thinking of claiming back the charges for the last year, statements are in my online account i think .do you think they would go to court for such small amounts ,i know what will happen they will set a court date ,i will be all prepared and then they wont turn up .a bit like in the bank charges days
  11. OK THANKS ims will send off monday going to put the 3 accounts in there ,see what comes back . with the claim on the 2nd mortgage they said in the letter they have closed the case until they get more info from me .i can send them photo copies of the mortgage agreement and the statement with the ppi account number on it along with the payments .shall i do this also or wait until i get the results of the SAR back ???
  12. hi i have been fighting with my credit card companys to get them to lower my monthly payments to something i can afford been having probs with two MBNA/CRAP ONE since ive been writing to them they have been adding late payment /interest/and over limit charges, my cap one is now in dispute .and mbna refuse to give me a straight answer dispite loads of letters . how do i claim back these charges thank you
  13. the other claim i put in with the more recent loan seems to have dried up they are saying there is no ppi attached to the loan so can i include this account in the sar ???
  14. hi ims just one more question before i send off the SAR if its more than one account is it still £10 or £10 for each account ????
  15. ok ims will get one off to them do i send that recorded ?? and what do i write on the postal order ?? thanks
  16. hi ims i didnt send the sar, i just sent the ppi fos claim form-the excel sheet -and a letter with all the account details and ppi account number.i have the 2nd mortgage papers and that statement shall i copy these and send them back.??
  17. got another letter from cap one saying they need a sig to help me with my request ,im assuming this is the last letter sent to freds about the LBA and that i was in contact with cap one and that my account was in serious dispute etc etc
  18. got a letter back today lloyds say they cant access my account with the details i provided,they havent said the ppi claim is to old ,they want the policy number which i sent and copies of any docs relevent to the loan ,i cant understand why they cant access my account when i gave them the account number and policy number ,i think im being dicked around.
  19. hi brig been reading around the forum and am i right in saying, even though im offering a payment my account is still in dispute.
  20. dont have any ppi but they 3 cards altoghter grand total of £1500 but they all have late charges on didnt realise i could claim these back had cards about 6-7 years is this the letter to send to reclaim charges http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?605-Credit-Store-Card-Letter-Template card list 1.mbna 2.abbeycard then changed to mbna 3.virgin run by mbna
  21. ok brig yes your correct i asked them for reduced payments but they didnt come up with anything just put my account in default, so on advice from here i went through the process of cca etc etc, so in your opinion is my account enforceable or not, if it is not what do they do ?? and btw i thank you for your guidance.
  22. sorry to be a bit thick brig but you said ignore it here .if the cca was not enforceable and my account is in dispute, by offering them a payment i am admitting the debt. after i wrote on my last letter [ i do not acknoledge any debt to you] . if they cant enforce the debt will they just have to write it off .?? sorry just a bit confused. david
  23. so shall i not send the payment offer to cap one then ????
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