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  1. I had my loft insulation done by them just recently, good company, great job and fully funded by the goverment because I recieve child tax credits
  2. Hi Anyone been succesful in scotland in claiming back early redeption charges in mortgages if so where do I start, I have two companies to claim against but need to find out information from them first. Jon
  3. Hi peeps, Looking for some advice, I live in bonnie scotland and have been reading you're wonderful posts about people claiming back unfair ERC,s on their mortgages as it's a differnt system up here can anyone give me advice on where to start:confused:, I have two lenders since 2001 which I have paid erc's to, BOS and cheltenham and glouseter the products are now both finished and I am not sure how much I paid to get out of them. Jon
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