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Everything posted by hoff135

  1. oh well i dont know, my solicitor told me that it was the date of the bos that was important, not the affidavit, one of the reasons lbl gave up. But of course i am not qualified to say for sure.
  2. if you signed it on a tuesday and the bos is dated that day, then it would need to be registered with the supreme court by tuesday of next week. the only reason it would be stamped 8 days and be valid, is if the seventh day fell on a sunday.
  3. Hi trooper, thanks! haha. Yeah i know i could probably try and claim, but to be honest im just glad its over. I will see what my sol says when i see her. Thanks so much for all your help. john
  4. Hi, yes i will! Thank you so much for what you have done, this whole saga shows the worst of human nature, but also the best, and in the end the best has won. so long as there are people in the world who will help others and give their time, there is hope! Why these guys have not been shut down is beyond me and my solicitor, in fact. I wanted to phone lbl and tell them what i thought of them! but in the end im just relieved that its over, and i can park my car outside my house again. I will try and help others if i can. that way i can get back at lbl.:D:D john
  5. Its all over for me! Hi guys, thought I'd come and tell you that I have won! its all over! It ended up that lbl gave up out of court after it was pointed out to them that they were basically breaking every rule in the book! 1- bos was not sealed within 7 days. VOID 2- i live in scotland, i bought the car in scotland and i was the 3rd person to own the car after the person with the loan. therefore i have much more rights, and as i am in scotland the only laws that apply to me are the laws of scotland. if i had bought the car in england from the person with the loan, i would then have been under english juristiction. BILL OF SALE WORTHLESS! 3- lbl were informed that under current legislation they would have to pay me full compensation for work that i carried outon the car- around £3000- THEY DID NOT LIKE THIS-HAHA! my sol recieved a letter to tell us that they were discontinuing the repossession efforts and that the marker has been removed.(i will check this soon and get it gaurinteed) I want to thank cctv, trooper, and everyone for their support during a distressing time, and if you find yourself in this situation, DO NOT give up. chances are lbl are acting illeagally! thanks to all john.
  6. ims do not ever give up this fight! You will live to regret it if you do. You shall not be beaten by assholes. I am in despute with lbl at the moment also, although it was not me that took out the loan. I will ensure that lbl never make any financial gain whosoever from me and as an aside i would be quite happy to go to jail or even die! for what i believe. I dont give a sh^% what happens to me, but i will not be made a fool of by ****. Now if you want to **** of lbl, join McAfee (anti virus company) and become a volenteer site advisor. Go to lbl website and rate there site. Tick the box that says you have had a bad shopping experience as you clearly have!. if enough people did this. McAfee will put an alert on their site and very few would visit. = no business for lbl. they can get this rectified but it will have cost them money!
  7. OK LOGBOOK LOANS- LIVE WITH THIS! 2 massive breakthroughs today, cant say what they are yet, except lbl have had it! will let you know in the end. thanks hoff
  8. no. but the bill of sale is valid, it is registered within 7 days of being attested.
  9. right, i finnaly got the bos from the supreme court, now my bos is dated the 10th and it was stampted on te 18th. but from the copy from the court i can see that the affidavit was signed on the 12th. this is only six days. So which date does the 7 days rule apply to the bos, or the affidavit?
  10. Ok, I have another question before I do something stupid, I have phoned the sol that my bos was supposed to be signed at and they now say that they did, but do they have to sign the bos?????? My bos has only been signed by the borrower and the guy from lbl. Is the guy from lbl allowed to witness the documents? My bos has NEVER been signed by anyone from the solicitors that it was supposed to be signed at. IS THIS LEGAL??????? Just want to get the facts straight before i let rip!
  11. Im still waiting for a reply from the supreme court about my bos, can i ask again that if my bos was made out on a tuesday, and it is stamped on a wednesday of the next week, (8 days) that this is completely void? I have written the suprerme court to confirm this.
  12. yes i did phone the solicitor on my bos, they've never heard of lbl, and they basically hung up on me. i have pm'd you with more info.
  13. Hello guys, I have been away for the weekend(Rockness) Can somebody please tell me what is happening? I still have not sorted out my bos yet, i dont know if it is void or not? cctv you have my bos, can you please pm me, and let me know whats happening. hoff
  14. Well it doesn't show within 7 days, therefore this is void, and as far as i am concerned, i am completely off the hook now. I will see my solicitor today and get a letter off to the supreme court to confirm this, i think that is the correct proceedure?
  15. My bos has been stamped with the courts seal 8 days after the bos was signed, does this render it void, as it is one day over the time? the loan was taken out on a tuesday and it was stamped the following wednesday. this is 8 days later!
  16. Thank you trooper, Does a bill of sale have to be registered with the courts within 7 days of the loan date? And does the court stamp the front of the bos the same day as it is registered? hoff
  17. Yes i do live in scotland, and i bought it in scotland. It was a cash deal but i have a witness to the deal. But the finance was drawn up in england. They are sending me the bill of sale. If I dont get it by mid week I will write and refute their claims and ask that they prove it. I have never even heard of an hpi untill last week. Im reading conflicting info about bos, you are saying that its void in scotland, but some are saying its not, as it was drawn up in england. Just wish it was clear cut. I hope you are correct! hoff
  18. So the loan was taken out on my car in april 07 in england, What rights i still have in scotland is unclear. I am being sent the bos. Its funny that the day that the gov announced that they were going to ban lbl is the same day that an alert was put on my car on the hpi. If the **** frm lbl turn up to take my car they are going to have one hell of a job finding it! Its somewhere in the highlands of scotland! And if i am forced to give it back by the courts they may find it full to the neck of dead sheep! But do these idiots have the spare key for my car? As i only have 1 and i read that they take the key when the loan is taken out?
  19. Ok, thanks. she is home tomorow, she is a personal friend, but she has not seen the details, we have only spoken on the phone breifly. Her husband is in the police, C.I.D., he's says that this whole thing stinks also. I have hidden the car and they cannot find it. Hammonds UK have been informed that they are not to speak to me directly anymore. This is a criminal offence to do so. I have taken enough of your time and i appreciate the help. But one more thing if you could- If the finance agreement was drawn up in england i am screwed, right? If it was setup for someone in scotland im fine? thankyou again, i will keep you posted with what happens! hoff as an final note, i would rather burn the car and go to jail than have this sh$%& get their hands on it!
  20. Yes my car had on it before the guy i bought it off. It had ***** on it when i bought it. I phoned logbook loans today pretending to be someone who was looking to buy the car, they said that ***** has outstanding finance, they would not tell me any more. I'm not going to phone them as myself untill i speak to my solicitor properly. This was 18 months ago that i bought this car! It was written off back in 2006 for flood damage i did not repair the damage. I have put a new turbo charger on it- £1300, plus just put new uprated brakes, £350, plus a few other mod's. Could there be a mix up between my car and the ford fiesta? Or has someone taken a loan out against my car after the car was mine? Because it appears to me that if i had hpi'd it when i bought it, it would have been clean? My solicitor, said today that my bank account could be frozen! This is turning into a nightmare! I thankyou for your comments guys...
  21. Hello cctv engineer, I bought the car in scotland, from someone living in scotland, i dont know when where the loan was done. The car is worth about £4500, its a astra gsi turbo. I have a solicitor on the job, but she is not home untill next week. I have hidden the car. so does the date that the car was recorded as having outstanding finance not worth anything? Because it looks to m if i had hpi'd it it would have been clean at the time of purchase? Also i have put about £2000 worth of upgrades on the car, they surely belong to me?
  22. Thankyou trooper, I will paste the hpi in here if i can, you will see that the finance was recorded against my car on 22 december 09, i bought the car in dec08. maybe this is a mistake. My car is the astra with plate *******
  23. HELP! I have just had a visit from two people from hammonds uk, who came to collect my car. Thankfully i was not at home at the time but, they left a letter with my dad. I bought this car 18 months ago and did not do an hpi as i had never heard of it! but i did one today and it seems that log book loans recorded outstanding finance on it last december, but i bought it a year before that? It was a private sale and i have no proof apart from a witness. i can paste the hpi up here if it helps as there are private plates involved and everything. I live in scotland. Please help!
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