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Brigadier 1JCS

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Everything posted by Brigadier 1JCS

  1. The next step will probably be a letter from Connaught Collections 1st Credits cohort company with the usual threats of what they may do what they might do if you don't contact them. If & when this does happen send them the DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE DEBT/ CCA request letter,£1 postal order for fee, DON't sign PO and send recorded delivery.
  2. Further to Steven4064 post, don't worry about Fairfax posturing and threats are in my experience are all they are capable of. I cost them over £2k over their mistakes and silly letters!
  3. Hi Senior, you have given so much great advice in the past why not just send the Stat Barred /prove it's not letter? As well as doing all that is advised above. Hope your sister is ok.!!
  4. I have personally dealt with Fairfax who also work for the the DWP and other Government department, they are the old Eversheds ''solicitors'' doing a ''Phoenix'' impression title solicitors core business debt collection, I would (as I did) challenge any statement made by Fairfax, As your account is still open, have you had any warning letters from the OC,has the account been frozen? Have you had any notification at all informing you your account has been handed to a third party? If not send the I do not acknowledge alleged debt letter RD. Good luck and hope your health problems are not serious. Brig.
  5. Are all of the 2000 ''odd'' guests working for DCA's trying to get a little Knowledge????
  6. Connaught !st Crud & Judge & Priestly the tame solicitor, have done exactly the same to my daughter,and have come up with a mysterious payment in 2005,without that the debt would be statute barred June 2010 Just sent off defence as they have gone AHEAD AND ISSUED A COUNTY COURT CLAIM WITH VERY VAGUE POC. aLL THE SAME DOCUMENTS AS SHOWN ABOVE.
  7. Write to Lowell at the is address Mr. Rob Sands Compliance Manager Lowell Group Enterprise House 1 Apex View Leeds LS11 9BH Instruct them to remove the unauthorised search, state that you have no liability to them in any way, and will seek redress if they do not comply. Send similar letter to credit reference agency. Send RD. Also see my thread on CRA Forum.
  8. I found Fairfax one of the most unprofessional firms of solicitors I have ever dealt with,sent out empty envelope once then an an finished letter saying reply in envelope supplied , no envelope enclosed,all template letters. This lot were spawned by the awful Eversheds same staff same boss They rarely send doorstep collectors out.
  9. I've seen one of these authorised agents (007 NOT!!!) Superanuated school boy in Smart car and a plastic folder didn't see the crayons though.He looked like a rabbit caught in the head lights!!
  10. A letter of complaint to The Chief Constable and the local police authority shoul have some impact Identity theft and fraud is ''supposed'' to be a priority. Give the names,rank & numbers of the officers who have been dismissive about your complaint, also a letter to your MP should stir things up!!
  11. I have been having problems with Equifax regarding entries made on my credit report under Searches MADE IN CONNECTION WITH CREDIT APPLICATIONS ON TABLE 1 OF THE REPORT.lLowell and Mackenzie Hall made 12 searches between them some times twice in one day and 7 in one week. I have challenge these with both companieis Mackenzie Hall I have to say have reacted marvellously in checking the searches,removing them and paying compensation very quickly. Lowell however cannot seem to grasp the fact that their types of searche should go on table 2 other searches which does not impact on the credit rating,Equifax are equally as awkward and I have now sent a LETTER BEFORE ACTION,Pay up,remove searches or court action. Makezie Halls Compliance manager has confirmed that posting seraches on Table 1 (seen by everybody) when using Equifax is inappropriate and damaging to the report. I think all CAGGERS should take careful note of any searches on their reports posted on Table 1, the Information commissioners Office has undertaken to write to Equifax regarding this and to inform me of the result. The OFT are also so looking into this, but of course they cannot divulge the result:confused: I have seen many such posts on CAG about this and if all those affected report each occurence perhaps we may remove another thorn from our sides.
  12. If they don't identify their client ignore this until they do, silly threats which are meaningless. should be reported to the Office of Fair Trading asap.
  13. Thanks you have also helped with something I am dealnig with.
  14. I defer to greater knowledge:
  15. Hi,Request a copy of the credit agreement from them £1 postal order unsigned send RD. See template letter on this site. Report the matter to the Office of fair trading and the Information Commissioners office asap. Make sure you do not acknowledge any liability for this account,it might be worth a word with your local police as this is fraud of a nasty type.
  16. Just been given some info from a reliable source without accepting any liability he says if the court action has gone no further than you say it is statute barred.
  17. May be a CCA request to the original creditor £1.00 postal order don't sign it may give you more to work on re stat barred status.
  18. It's about time the OFT started to remove licences not grant any new ones !!:rolleyes:
  19. Please get one of the site team to look at this the fund of knowledge available is enormous.
  20. Apologies to Spam & Woolfy for mixing them up! Does a CD constitute a valid SAR?
  21. Have you made any payment or acknowledgement of the debt in the 6 year period? If not and the case has not gone to judgement IMHO the stat barred status is valid. I will defer to others with more knowledge in this area.
  22. I am dealing with a similar matter for a member of my family,the POC is vague and contains no reference to the OC or any agreement just an assignment between two companies (DCA's) 1ST.Credit & Connaught. any info would help both spamheed and myself.
  23. It is quite possible to have multiple tenants on one scheme, we have three named tenants on our contract and the total deposit is protected, though the landlord must give all the details as it forms part of your tenancy agreements does the inventory which should be agreed by all parties with each holding a copy,an agreed short hold tenancy is a legal document. It might be worth checking your carefully to see if the deposit and inventory are mentioned on each copy, the housing advice dept. of your local council may also be able to help. Good Luck
  24. Bizarre accurately describes the behaviour of the DCA's:D
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