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Everything posted by cloch

  1. why doesn't everyone bog the system down by using the freedom of information and apply using the data protection act for a copy of all data whether written or computer based etc that atos or the dwp have. Do the requests separately and compare the information between the two organisations. they can't claim client confidentiality and once you've got all the data , next time you contact them and they come out with some more crap , ask them where they got the new info from as it doesn't seem to be in the file information received from them. jUST KEEP ASKING FOR UPDATED INFORMATION iT IS YOUR LEGAL RIGHT. The dwp is so inefficient that if they go on strike you'd not even notice.
  2. thanks for the reply. now i know big brother is here, and alive well, and kicking.
  3. with all the government departments sharing information , i think its a gross invasion of privacy to keep the info if i'm not taking benefit from them. trust the council, one of the first questions i'm asked , do you have any objection to conducting this conversation in ENGLISH:-? :eek:SCARY I thought i used to live in Britain.
  4. Applied for council tax rebate and after supplying wage slips, bank statements and all the other personal info, i'm entitled to £1.50 a week. I've told them to stuff it and now want to know what rights they have to keep my data as i'm not going to accept the derisory offer. Can they legally keep all this personal stuff . I don't want them to keep my data on file and believe i have a personal right for it to be deleted. To me big brother is alive and well in the form of the local council.8) what are my chances?
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