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  1. i copied and pasted bernie the bolt's appeal and got a letter from london transport saying basically that they were correct in issuing fine for entering bus lane (kidbrooke park road) they as agesture of goodwill cancelled it, Get In !!!!!!!
  2. , I am sorry if you have mis understood my comment, this incident happened over 200 miles away from my home therefore as i am not familiar with the area and including the area from where the picture was produced so i can not be 100% certain i was driving at that specific time.
  3. i have just received a£60 fine for entering a bus lane, It was purely accidental as the sat nav was telling me to keep left, interestingly the photo evidence is a view of my car from the rear so the driver can not be identified and as i share the driving with my daughter i was wondering does anyone know if i could claim i do not know who was driving at the time ? is the fine for the car owner or the driver?
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