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  1. Haha, good point. If I win Euromillions I will Thank you - appreciate the advice. And no, I think they're thieving unmalleable toerags who are trying to bleed me dry. I'm revelling in the opportunity to make the most of this.
  2. It was on Friday so hopefully that's enough time. So I just don't pay and don't notify them? Sorry to keep asking questions, Apcoa experience has jaded me!
  3. True and agree with you now and earlier comment, I meant if they knew they'd committed a parking offence and were going to pay and not appeal.
  4. Definitely pay while it's still in its cheaper stage. They don't listen to appeals for missing tickets (or didn't in my case) and use the phone call as evidence you heard of it in time and accepted it. If you want to prove a point then pay it and keep hassling them for the proof, then go through it with a fine toothcomb after.
  5. Getting confused between my VRNs and PCNs there. I meant can they just change the reg number and reissue the ticket? Or can I contact them and say tried to pay, it's not registering on your site so I'm not paying? Is it really unenforcable? Like I say, really can't afford £120 if it goes to 14 days+
  6. I've tried adding it into the council website with my actual registration number and there's no record, but I haven't tried the wrong one on the ticket in case it brings it up and they can see that I've looked at it and been clever enough to find it! What's the 'slip rule' that people have talked about on other threads, can they amend the VCN and still charge me if I point out that I can't access the website to pay?
  7. The trouble is, if you wait until the 28 day notice is issued, you're automatically bumped up to the full price instead of half price fine. So is it a private company trying to fine him? If it's Apcoa/Twyford car park then I'm beginning to think there's a [problem] there!
  8. My brother recently got clamped while he was in the car with the engine running. He was outside the Park Inn hotel at Heathrow where there is a bus lane and a sign saying no stopping or parking. He pulled in (without seeing the sign) to use his mobile and saw a car pull up behind him. Still unaware he was in a no stopping lane, he didn't move because he thought it was a police car. Then a guy knocked on his window to tell him he had been clamped. He was looking at the car from when it pulled up, so the clamper must actually have crept up on his knees and clamped the wheel without giving him a warning to move on. He then demanded £100 and directed my brother to a cashpoint at a service station 100m away. Meanwhile, the clamper's car was also blocking this bus lane, presumably also committing the same offence. He didn't see the sign because it was so high up the pole, you couldn't see it without being out of the car. There was another guy who had done the same thing just in front of him who told my brother not to pay, but then the clamper started talking about towing it and towing fees of £250. He paid the £100 as he needed to get home, but is there anything he can do retrospectively? It alls seems to have been done with a degree of subterfuge and I can't believe that clamping someone who hasn't even got their handbrake on can be an offence. Thanks in advance for any help.
  9. Hi folks, I got a PCN which has one digit wrong, he's put an O instead of an 0 in the 03. I can quite clearly see what he's done and could probably easily log in to the council website using the wrong number and pay it. Should I? Is the ticket still valid? What can I do? I've already been badly burned by trying to appeal a fine and having to pay admin fees and everything. It's a fairly simple edit anyone could see what's wrong by looking at the face of the ticket. Should I just pay and save hassle?
  10. I've had this! Ask for a copy and photos but advise you to pay it if you think there was an infringment. Apparently some people get their kicks from stealing PCN notices and leaving people stuck with a bigger fine. I appealed and appealed again and ended up having to pay the full charge (not the 14 day one), plus about £100 admin fee and then got a photo of the thing on my car. Don't know what to advise if you don't think you parked wrong, but you should be able to get a copy from the council. Haven't parked in an Apcoa car park since.
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