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phone and billd

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  1. Was just told to do a ATM Dispute. Should I report it to the police. I want my money!
  2. On the 4th Oct, I went to a NATWEST atm as Nationwide was out of service. Printed balance, and then went to top up my mobile. I cancled the transaction, the NATWEST atm the did not give my card back, and went out of service. I had to go to the flat to phone nationwide to cancel my debit card (as they can take sometime to be sent out). at 9.30, I went to my bank (Nationwide) only to find that £130 had been taken... Its now been over 10 working days and noting! What shoud I do?
  3. Letter has been sent, and delevered... He will have had 7 days on Saturday, so next will be the letter before action!
  4. I got my JSA yesterday; £135, Took out £70, then £10... I debit card payment for my phone £10, then £9 for a train ticket, £1.20 and £5 for my oyster card... Then a final £10... £19 left over - But its gone...They said they have a system error on both systems, but they are adermind that I only have £2.50 in my acount - what a joke!Will have to wait until monday now to get it sorted!
  5. Thanks HBI have all the payslips and a note of hours worked on my calander
  6. A couple of months ago I lost my job, which I had been with for a few months, (Three) and I was dismissed for being “too expensive” – I was told that I would have 3 days pay, and a good reference!I have done some research, and spoken to a one other person who was in the same situation, however she did not even get notice!While working my payment was delayed, as with I now find out has now happened again. They have been paying the staff £4.92 - the 18-20 rate, at the age of 21!Now, I did get three days pay (12 Hours) when on average I was working 25. Can I now try and claim the 13 hours that I am owed. Was this also unfair dissmissal?
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