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Everything posted by daz1uk

  1. I'm not 100% sure, I'm going to check the names on the bill tonight. My main concern is the legality or not of me paying a bill covered by my bankruptcy and how it would affect my bankruptcy.
  2. Hi, no she doesn't claim anything like that as she's not looking for work and won't be until our youngest starts full time education next year. She receives Child Tax Credit and Child Benefit which is in both of our names I believe. Thanks.
  3. Hi Andy, thanks for responding. I earn 23k which means were not entitled to any benefits I don't think. As far as I'm concerned the Council Tax debt was included in the bankruptcy which means I believe that now I can't turn around and pay it legally? As they can't claim the debt from myself they have billed my partner for it. But as she has no income from work she is unable to pay it. Are they allowed to pass this debt to my partner in this manner? Am I allowed to pay it legally? And if the responsibility to pay this debt does now fall to my partner can she claim benefit despite my income?
  4. Thanks for the response, the Council Tax bills have always been billed to me as I, being the sole earner in our house, am responsible for all of the bills. They have however rebilled in my partners name as they can not claim the debt from myself. It was a sole bankruptcy. Yes partner not wife.
  5. Hi, I'm looking for some advice please. I have recently become bankrupt. Now the Council are chasing tax payments from my partner who us unemployed as a full time mother. I'm not supposed to pay the debt due to my bankruptcy and my partner is literally unable to pay. Where do we go with this?
  6. Hi, I'm hoping somebody here may be able to advise me. I have recently become bankrupt at the end of May. The DWP have just sent me a letter claiming an attachment of earnings to cover an old social fund loan. I did include this in my list of debts on the bankruptcy application. Can they still go ahead with the attachment of earnings depsite my bankruptcy? Thanks
  7. Hi, First of all I'd like to say thank you to all of you for trying to help me with this. I fully intend to own up to both using the internet and ringing fax numbers. The main issue is that my company are trying to intimate that calling fax numbers is an attempt to falsify the call log report which amounts to Gross Misconduct. In my personal view this would amount to misuse of the phone system which is misconduct and is not a sackable offence. The reason I believe that this is not falsifying the call log report is that the call log clearly shows my activity hence them seeing that fax numbers have been called. No attempt has been made to hide activity or alter the call log. I'm wondering if somebody could just clarify this one point for me please.
  8. Hi, Thanks for you responses In answer to your questions: I haven't been given an employees handbook, one miraculously appeared next to the managers desk the day I was suspended. There is no stipulation on internet usage, to my knowledge it is managers discression. No on two occasions I did not hit my target calls without these fax numbers (these are the only two occasions with this issue), numbers are sourced from the internet for new business. Calls are also made to account holders, details on company software. We have reasonably unrestricted access to the internet apart from sites such as gaming, facebook and social sites and no access to video sources i.e. youtube. I would say my average personal use is generally very low apart from occasionally checking my bank account and google news. I believe the log is showing links within viewed web pages, hence blocked sites showing on the log. The first day in question 5 calls to fax machines and the second day in question about 16. I think the internet usage is irrelevant as they are saying that this is simply misconduct. The issue is that they are trying to say that I have committed gross misconduct by falsifying reports (the call logs) by ringing fax numbers to increase my call level. But I dont see how my actions can be considered as falsifying the logs. As far as I am concerned the call logs are intact and represent true values and information?
  9. Hi all, I'm wondering if somebody can give me some advice on how to approach my coming gross misconduct meeting. I have recently been suspended from work and have just received a letter stating: 1) That I accessed personal websites My response to this is that my manager has advised us to keep personal internet usage to a minimum, I have never been instructed that personal internet usage is not allowed at all. 2) I spent 3hours on personal websites which is considered an unreasonable amount of time. My response to this is that there logs are innacurate, they have a log showing sites visited such as youtube, facebook, twitter etc. These sites are blocked my the company web filter so not possible. Also I tended to arrive at work early and read the news on the internet which I would then minimise and continue reading at quiet periods during my day (which at before this point was acceptable to my manager) so the time they have recorded is innacurate in terms of actual disruption to work as they are monnitoring background activity? 3) They are saying that I attempted to cover up my internet activity by "falsifying" log sheets by calling fax numbers instead of business numbers. (I work in a sales office and have a target of 30 calls per day). I cant deny phoning fax numbers, however I certainly do deny attempting to falsify records, I was well aware that this activity would show up on the call log and I have not made any attempt to alter nor even access the company call logs. Also I am thinking of arguing that I was simply calling numbers that I had acquired from a website in order to try and gain new business and it is not my fault that the phone numbers were innacurate?? It is number 3 that they are saying is gross misconduct. They have also sent me a sheet on which states examples of Gross Misconduct which includes Falsification of records (this is what they are having me on). Yet under the misconduct section it states unauthorised use of the company phone system which I believe is more applicable to this situation? Surely they haven't got a leg to stand on?
  10. Hi, I hope someone can give me some advice on where to start with my bank 'Alliance & Leicester'. Basically I went overdrawn due to a missed direct debit, my own fault, I didn't have enough money in the account to pay, so my bank rejected my payment for my motorbike insurance with the result of my insurance being cancelled (annoying!) and being charged a missed direct debit charge. At the time I was in between jobs and had no money, I was then charged an overdraft fee and when my first wage was paid from my new employer this was cleared. However, the month after I then had more overdraft charges applied, due to charges from the previous month sending me overdrawn again, this is then cleared by my wages at the end of the month and the cycle continues. I seem to be paying more and more each month. This has now reached to a charge of £100 for 1 month which I can not afford at all. I called my bank at the beginning of April and asked them to resolve this situation by moving the date in which they took their charges to be in line with when my wages are paid, i.e. the end of the month.Aafter much hassle on the phone with one of their customer service people, they agreed to move the date that they took their charges to the last day of the month. This would help me resolve my situation as they would take payment just after I had been paid and as such I would not inccur any further overdraft charges as a result of their charges sending me overdrawn. Despite the banks representative agreeing this on the phone (after putting me on hold to ensure their managers consent) they have now completely ignored this arrangement and sent me overdrawn again. So, I then spoke to the complaints department where a very pleasant lady sympathised with my situation and also said that the bank should respect my instruction and carry it out, promising me to look into it for me. I have now received a letter from the bank stating that they are not willing to help me in anyway and they believe that these bank charges are fair. They have not once given me prior notice of the date they intend to take payment, by letter or any other means, which seems to change as they please and refuse to help. What can I do, I simply can not afford these charge at all, I have a new family to support and we are already struggling financially. Please help.
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