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  1. I have been reading various posts for quiet some time and iv seen news articles and tv shows about shoplifting. Some people dont like to talk about it i guess that is why i joined. I would like to try and understand what happens to people that get accused of shop lifting. From watching tv i gathered that people usually get slapped on the wrist and get a minimal punishment "usually the night in a cell" if they do it to much get banned from the area when the shops are open. Then i saw about RLP on the news and from what i gathered shops are now not getting the police involved as much but instead getting RLP involved to recover money. Not sure the legality of that or if they can. "iv never stolen never will" but i have got in debt with places like little woods and experience tells me that they do not bother taking it to court if its less then £1000 because it would cost them to much. So why would a company like RLP come after people for a few hundred and then drag it through the courts?. am i missing something here? My biggest question is the above correct? what punishment is there for people that shop lift?. What happens if the shops demand the persons personal details to go after them and they just remain silent even if the police are called or gave false information. I dont like shop lifting but i like watching it on tv like on those late night cop programs. But is it me or are they too soft on shop lifters? i mean if there is some small punishment what message does that send out to people? Please shoplift because you will just spend the night in jail and maybe get a fine?. To me that gives out the wrong message. I do however understand why people shoplift even in this climate when money is short and people are hard up but that does not make it right. what are your thoughts?
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