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  1. Thanks for the advice. I will make an appointment with the CAB today. i don't thing that Citroen Finance will have had much to write to me about though as I haven't missed any payments until last month which is when I missed the first one, but you are right, I will need copies of any correspondence they have sent so I will get the CAB to ask for it.
  2. Thanks for the advice, I will put everything in writing, but do you think I sould make the initial contact by phone today and then back it up in writing? The next payment is due tomorrow so they will try and take it today.
  3. Hi there, I'm a first time poster so I hope I've got the right subject area. I bought a car from Citroen in October 2008 and financed it through Citroen Finance. My payments are £220 per month for 42 months and I have paid 18 of these - over a third of the loan. Unfortunately I have been made redundant and couldn't make last month's payment and am about to miss this month's. I haven't yet contacted them - I've been doing a very good ostrich impersonation - and haven't heard anything from them, probably because I moved around the time I bought the car and I forgot to tell them, so any letters will have gone to my old address. Anyway, I've now woken up to the fact that I really need to do something, but obviously they aren't going to be too happy with me when I speak to them. I can't afford to pay the arrears or the repayments. I was thinking of offering a token amount of £30 a month until November when I have an endowment policy that will pay out which will be enough to cover the loan and any penalties etc I have built up. Does anyone have any experience with Citroen Finance and how they are likely to react? Also, if they refuse to accept the proposal and I were to make the proposal through the court on a Time to Pay form when they go to court for repossession, is such a proposal likely to be acceptable to the court? Any help you can give would be appreciated as I've been up all night looking at my finances and researching the internet and I'm screwing up my courage to make that phone call - Thanks
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