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  1. I can't start one either. Everytime I enter the 'title' or 'description/main text' box I get thrown out of the writing option.
  2. Thank you raydetinu, that's really helpful. Again, thank you.
  3. Also, in regard to the N21 (I think its called), when we take the LL to Court about the deposit, I understand that it will cost £80 + 10% of what we expect to receive as compensation! Do we pay this when we're filing the case at the Court, or is it paid when the matter is resolved? Also, do we take it to our local magistrates or to the County Court? I only ask this stuff because no-obe has ever told us how to do this. Thanks.
  4. I had a thought today. If/when we take the LL to Court about our deposit and the lack of a deposit scheme, and lets just suppose for a moment that the judge ruled in our favour and awards compensation, is the money paid to us by the Court and then the LL pays them back OR is the LL supposed to pay us directly? I only ask because we suspect that even if the judge does rule in our favour, it is highly likely that the LL will not pay out! Take it from us, we know what the LL is like, and they love money and not spending it. Just wondering.
  5. Thanks to all of you folks for your replies, you've put my (and the wife's) minds at rest! Some excellent advice once again.
  6. So, what if after the Eviction Date, they turn up while we're all out and drill our lock to gain entry and then put their own locks in? Can I call the police to do it, or can I gain entry myself (via an open window or such, or even a locksmith of our own)?
  7. Local Housing as in our local Council. I don't understand either! Shelter (who have given us some outstanding advice, including everything to do about Court and our Deposit) are saying one thing (that the Notice is invalid) and Housing are saying otherwise (that it is valid)!!! Weird!
  8. Thanks folks for the quick replies. In regard to changing the locks, the door is one of those crappy plastic ones! And apparently the locksmith the LL uses is a friend of the family! The local Housing have signed off the Eviction Notice (even though it only mentions Section 21) as correct, due to it being dated correctly and in the correct form and actually mentions both me and the wife this time! Despite the Housing knowing about the ongoing problem with our deposit. We have actually served our LL with a Notice before Action, in regard to them not putting it in the proper scheme EVER! BUT we suspect that even if the Court judges in our favour (and there is no reason why not), that the LL will still not pay out and probably get their heavies to come and make our lives a misery!!!
  9. Hello Caggers. Our landlord has been overheard (by our daughter, who was in her bedroom when the landlord was chatting with our neighbour). Apparently, they said that when our eviction date expires they are going to come in to the property (it seems they may have a key) and change the locks. To get our stuff we will have to contact them! Now bare in mind that we have never missed a rent payment, and upon our requesting for some work to be done to the property (which was ignored then refused, so we got our local Environmental Health involved, who imposed a Works Schedule). Following this we received the first of 4 Eviction Notices (each one, until the last, proved to be invalid/incorrect for one reason or another), the latest giving us until early October this year to vacate! This is the date upon which it seems they will turn up to change the locks! What I want to know is, first is this legal, second can we force entry to get back in, and thirdly, if our 16-year old daughter is in the property when they gain their entry, what is her best course of action? Also, we have an ongoing problem about our deposit, we moved in over a year ago, and after checking all 4 of the deposit schemes they still haven't put our money in any of these schemes! What advice can you give?
  10. Our daughter received this morning a letter from our Local Council stating that she has to pay £60 a month for her 2-bed Council Flat. There is only her and her 2 boys (one is under a year old and the other is 2), and she is unemployed. She phoned the Council today and they said that she HAS to pay it because all Council Tax is ending. I assume this has nothing to do with the Bedroom Tax, but if Council Tax was ending surely it would be on the news or similar. I know this new all-encompassing benefit payment thing is starting soon, does it have something to do with this? The Council, as ever, are not being very helpful in clearing this up. Any ideas Caggers?
  11. I also forgot to mention that there must be a few thousand pounds worth of repairs that need doing to. We have lived with a few of these faults since we moved in (back in Dec 09) but most were done before it was repossesed, apart from the really expensive items (like treating the severe woodworm infestation!). There is now a whole new list of stuff that needs doing.
  12. Thank you RJ & Ed, most helpful advice. We expect them to chuck us out, it is just a matter of time we think.
  13. Hello there you Caggers! An interesting development has occured for us. We received a letter from a group called Countrywide Managing Agents (apparently based in Southend) that informed us that our landlord was no longer our landlord and that they are effectively our new landlord! We have sent off all the paperwork they asked for (Tenancy Agreement, etc) but what we are worried about is the fact that we owe the now x-landlord approx £1,500 in rent arrears! What happens to that arrears? Do we now owe that to Countrywide? Also, are we going to get evicted now? Any ideas? Thanks, in advance, Leofric.
  14. UPDATE (19 Aug 2011) : It will be at Tribunal on the 25th October! Yeehaa!
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