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  1. thanks for the quick response. i suspected they were offering a "money for old rope" service. seems similar to those debt management people. As we are talking only credit cards with a monthly statement I suspect all charging is transparent. the only time i was charged ppi was for 1 month which i cancelled when i realised how much it cost. probably not worth persuing for £100.
  2. hi, Ive been approached by a PPI reclaim company and im wondering if what they are telling me it legit. Ive been self employed / company director for 15 years and ive always known that PPI didnt apply to me so have never willingly agreed to it. (i use to keep telling the credit card companies this but didnt seem to make a difference- i bet they wish they listened to me now ) anyway, they say i could have been paying PPI without agreeing to it AND without it appearing on my credit card statement and would have been incorparated in my interest payments - is this true ? whats peoples general advice on these companies ?
  3. Am I right in thinking that this only affects mortgage interest payments and not the equivilant housing cost (rent) benefit. it seems like the government want the lenders to take some responsibility by using us as pawns as they havent got the balls to get it them selves. reminds me of south park the movie when they are at war with canada. The first group to go over the top are a group of black people and are called Cannon Fodder division.
  4. I encourage people to read the report Andy mentioned. The offical estimate is 110,000 people will have a short fall. Thats half of the people on the scheme and as mentioned yesterday the average IR is over 4% and not the figure quoted by the gov so this figure will probably be higher.
  5. A facebook campaign was started last week when the letters started dropping through the doors but a lot of people wouldnt have been aware of this until the feature on the BBC yesterday. SO JOIN NOW! (The guy in the article is one of the members). search for Campaign to make SMI fairer
  6. This is something that needs bringing to people's attention. So, I have set up a facebook group "Campaign to make SMI fairer" so please join. Everyone should hear our tales of woe.
  7. quick quid is meant to be a stop gap until payday hence the 2392% apr
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