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  1. The only time I faced a court on a non-payment charge (road tax) was in front of a magistrate, but you're right and I'm wrong, it is a judge. But the important point for cuteOO is that no judge is going to take an outfit like RLP's side against an under-age schoolgirl, so she should stop worrying and get on with her exams.
  2. CuteOO, of course what kiptower says is completely correct, but what I'm trying to emphasize is that if RLP brought a 16 year old school girl up before a county court magistrate claiming this rediculous amount, the court would throw it out. Ignore RLP and get on with your exams. If they turn up (unlikely) call the police.
  3. Hi cuteOO, They can't make you pay any money until they go to court and the court says you owe the money. If you're 16 and at school and not earning then you can't pay. If you came up in court aged 16 you would probably get off with a caution for a first offence. If anyone knocks on your parents door demanding money, immediately call the police. Just don't do it again or you'll get a record.
  4. Hi Shanks, Thanks a lot for your reply and good wishes. best, Shomi
  5. Dear JonCris, Please forgive my ignorance, I'm totally new to this. What is PM?
  6. Hi Shanks, I see your blog was posted in March 2009, are you still involved in this? My wife bought articles in Boots, but absented minded forgot to pay for one of them. She is in a responsible well paid job and has no record. She was treated badly by staff who took her photograph and took away ID to be photocopied. They refused to call the police or allow her to pay for the item. Then a week later she was sent a bill for £137.50 by RLP. We queued for hours over a two day period to see Citizens Advice who were useless.
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