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  1. Too far down the line to dump then now and no, the data came from the reclaims co.
  2. I have made a PPI claim via one of the companies that do all the paper work etc for you. During correspondence between us I received documentation which was intended for another claimant which contains personal details pertinent to their claim so I am a bit concerned that documentation relating to my claim may have also have been sent to others. I would imagine that there are Data Protection issues with this so can anyone advise if there is any course of action I can take to follow this up ? Thanks
  3. Old-CodJA, Thanks for taking the time to reply. I had a really smooth and relaxed journey on the train and the staff on the train were great but this guy got right under my skin
  4. I had just travelled 1st class for station A to Station B and had come off the train and was waiting in a fairly long queue to hand my ticket to the ticket collector at the exit. When I was about 10 from the front I could detect from the TC's body language that he wasn't in a good mood but hayho we all have bad days. When the guy in front of me handed over his ticket he was sarcastically chastised by the TC that this wasn't his train ticket it was just his seat reservation ticket but he was allowed through. Next up was me and guess what I too had given him my seat reservation ticket in error and got the same treatment as the guy in front, however I stopped and got the correct ticket out my pocket and tried to give him it. He refused to take it, saying he didn't want it, I was getting a bit annoyed now as he was embarassing me so I asked him again to take it as he had made a big deal of the issue in the first place. He took it and then started ranting (loudly) that I wouldn't get into the pictures without a ticket blah blah blah. I didn't see the relevance of this as I had just handed him the correct ticket so by this stage I had enough, shook my head at him and told him in the same tone of voice that he used to 'get away and don't bother me' and then walked away to which he shouted for me to 'go away and stop embarracing yourself' ! Great customer service ! Ah, feel better after getting that off my chest Anyone else had a similar problem ?
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