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  1. Thank you elpulpo and honeybee13 I have plenty of e-mails, notes etc where I have asked for help and assistance. At the time I was unwell, as medication my doctor had given me was reduced and I suffered effects of this. My line manager was informed of this, but it made no difference, it actually increased his workload on to me. I am sorry now that I didn't take time off work but I realise that to late. Each and everytime after informing him that I was not at my best, I have e-mail evidence to help and support his changing attitude and behaviour towards me. I hope that I have sufficient evidence to pursue a grievance against this person. I have finally received the in house documents to proceduce with the grievance so will complete this and copy and send it off. Any helps tips and support on how to deal with this would be received with thanks. Milbrook
  2. No the 3 counts quoted Inaccuracies in a written document (draft) I have an e-mail stating that the document was a draft? production of a service leaflet below the required standard (asked for help and assistance, none given) not completing work as requested (no time element given, a working document) Hope that helps.
  3. Hello People I am appealing against a written warning I had received from my employers, on 3 counts. Inaccuracies in a written document production of a service leafelt below the required standard not completing work as requested Inaccuracies in a written document, this was a draft document I asked for help and assistance with the service leaflet and none was given, as the electronic notes where not clear. No time request was asked for, and work was carried out, to the best of my abilities At no time in the disciplinary hearing was I given sight of any papers relating to these allegations. It was all hearsay from my manager, I said I was appealing against the decision, at the disciplinary hearing. My question is how do I conduct my appeal? How do I open the meeting? What do I need to be successful at the appeal? I have also put in a grievance against my manager for discrimination and bullying, to date I have heard nothing, all they seem to be interested in is the appeal. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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