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  1. hi, wasnt sure if i had put it in right one, thanks
  2. Hi, i am wondering if anyone can help me. I joined Npower in november of last year (2009) setting up a direct debit of £90 a month for my gas and electricity. On saturday i received a bill from them telling me that my monthly payments would go up to £272.00 a month as of the end of august. I have rang them and explained there is no way i can pay this amount, they have said that they could come to an agreement with me whereby i pay what i owe off over 3 years and pay £160.00 a month, again, i told them i could not afford to pay this, . I really do not know what to do. I do not work as i am a full time carer for my husband and have 3 children. I explained this to them and they said i couldnt have the prepayment meters installed because of my husbands illnesses's . In the bill they have sent me they have included £934.60 for estimated charges over the next six months. surely this cant be right. Is there any possibility my meters could be wrong???? It is a private rented property so i am not sure how long the meters have been here, the property was modernised a few years ago so am wondering if new meters could have been installed then, I would be grateful for any advice whatsoever. Its worrying us all. Thanks
  3. Hi, i am wondering if anyone can help me. I joined Npower in november of last year (2009) setting up a direct debit of £90 a month for my gas and electricity. On saturday i received a bill from them telling me that my monthly payments would go up to £272.00 a month as of the end of august. I have rang them and explained there is no way i can pay this amount, they have said that they could come to an agreement with me whereby i pay what i owe off over 3 years and pay £160.00 a month, again, i told them i could not afford to pay this, . I really do not know what to do. I do not work as i am a full time carer for my husband and have 3 children. I explained this to them and they said i couldnt have the prepayment meters installed because of my husbands illnesses's . In the bill they have sent me they have included £934.60 for estimated charges over the next six months. surely this cant be right. Is there any possibility my meters could be wrong???? It is a private rented property so i am not sure how long the meters have been here, the property was modernised a few years ago so am wondering if new meters could have been installed then, I would be grateful for any advice whatsoever. Its worrying us all. Thanks
  4. hi, i started to take champix in march of this year to try and quit smoking after 19 years. after having tried patches in the past and failed i thought champix would be the better option. how wrong could i be. yes, they seemed to work at first, stopping me from smoking, but what i didnt notice was the change in myself, low moods, irratibility, no energy, no interest in anything, until last week when i started to have suicidal thoughts, i visited my g.p. who advised me to stop them straight away, come friday i was admitted to hospital due to the thoughts i was having, not very nice for my children and my husband to see me like this, after seeing doctors for the last week i am finally feeling a lot better and the thoughts i had have gone away. i would not recommend champix to anyone,
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