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Everything posted by Fluffs

  1. Yeah I get that now. You live and learn.
  2. Hi Please can someone explain to me how UC works? I lost my monthly paid job 4 weeks ago and immediately started a claim. The online calculators said I'd get about £850 for 4 weeks. I've just now been told my payment for the last 4 weeks will be zero after deduction of my final salary payment. What? So anyone who loses their job will effectively get no benefit for the first 4 weeks of the claim? I have actually got another job starting in a couple weeks time, and it will be paid weekly. DWP explained that I may get UC for the next four weeks even though I am back in work. I've done some calculations based on how much pay I expect to get in the next four weeks and I reckon I will eventually get about £360 UC for 6 weeks out of work! Now I have unfortunately had to claim JSA before and I would've got the full 6 weeks JSA + HB under the old system. Can someone explain what is happening now??? Weird.
  3. Just out of interest, can you point me to the relevant part of the LPA 1925 Act that gives the LPA R the legal right to chase debts prior to their taking over.
  4. I suppose it makes sense the debt transfers to them, just wasn't sure if that was enshrined in law. The advice re: the deposit makes sense too. Thanks to both of you.
  5. Hi My LL's lender has had LPA R appointed. I believe I understand most of how this works but have 2 specific questions I can't find an answer for. Does the LPA R have the legal right to chase me for a small amount of rent arrears dating from before they took over? It's less than a month, so fairly insignificant in the bigger picture. I would argue the debt resides with the LL but I'm not sure if it transfers to the LPA R. I would argue I only pay the LPA R rent as from the date they took over pro rata. Thoughts? My deposit is with the DPS and is protected but has the original LA as the "other half". Not had any dealings with the LA since the 1st fixed 6 month AST ran out, been dealing with the LL direct, but we never bothered to transfer it. The LPA R now want me to assign them as the other half now - they say they need my permission. Sounds all a bit hooky to me. Advice? Thanks
  6. no, but i'm not seeking to wriggle out of them, i acknowledge i racked them up fair and square. i just want the chance to sort myself out and set about repaying them somehow,
  7. ok, that's what i feared. so even though i do feel a warped moral sense of duty to pay a bit more as i can afford it, it would end up being more trouble than it's worth! bizarre. thanks.
  8. hi i've got 5 credit card debts that i've been paying £1 a month to as i was on jsa and housing benefit. 2 of them are via DCA's. i got a short fixed length job for 5 weeks. after tax and loss of benefits i'm not going to make much extra but will make a little. should i tell the credit card companies and DCA's and offer to pay more for the weeks i'm working? or if i do will this end up causing more trouble and i'd best just not bother?
  9. I'm just assuming it's a yearly review. I passed the Verification process in October which was a year after I started claiming, but not sure when they do it again. Replies on another forum have indicated that regular payments might be an issue.
  10. hi i'm on jsa, council and housing benefit. my brother has been helping me out with money from time to time, usually once a month. we've no formal arrangement for this - just a brother helping out a brother in time of need. how will this be viewed by the housing benefit people when my case is reviewed at the anniversary? last time it was reviewed they wanted to see bank statements, and this will show the money being transferred in.
  11. But if i wait for more than 6 months they don't link it? If so, for the sake of 3 weeks i can wait!
  12. Was on JSA for 18 months up till 3rd week of March 2010. They had me on New Deal 25+. Signed off and went self employed. It's not worked out and will have to sign back on. If I do that before 6 months has passed will they link it back to my previous claim and lob me straight back onto New Deal 25+?
  13. Had to sell the tv (didn't use it much anyways) . Now wondering if I need a licence? I do have a PC and I use it to watch "live" sport streams. But seldom are these also being shown on "normal" TV at the same time, though very occasionally they are available on a subscription satellite channel. The wording on the TV licence website is very vague and doesn't really define what "normal" tv is. Any advice?
  14. from further reading it seems that because rbos and natwest are registered separately with the fsa they wouldn't be able to cooperate. santander are not registering those different "brands" separately with the fsa, but all under one registration. can anyone confirm/deny this?
  15. yeah, i read that. the question is what constitutes a firm? i believe each part of a banking group is a separate legal entity, but if under the umbrella of a group can they cross those boundaries?
  16. hi i've got various credit card and personal loan debts. i opened a parachute ac with natwest as i've got a personal loan with lloyds where my current ac was, and moved all my day to day affairs to the natwest ac. i've just realised that one of the credit card companies i've got a debt with is mint, who are owned by rbs, who own natwest! so my question is - just how far does the right of set off extend? does it extend to all companies within a banking group? can mint raid my natwest ac for money? i need to know, as if that's the case i'll take all the money out pronto, try and find a bank in a group i'm not involved with and open another parachute ac there. regards
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