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  1. Please explain what you meant in the first paragraph of that. How can I get them to update the SORN record to when the tax disc ran out? I did everything correct. Will they take it to court? What recourse do I have?
  2. DVLA did send one letter asking for the £80 but I sent them the letter back explaining what happened and that was the last word from them. Now is it really a case of just ignore THEM because it says that the DVLA is currently preparing a case against me to take me to court. I remember another thread on here where the DVLA took the guy to court for the exact same thing and he lost and had to pay £1000. Plus I can't have a CCJ on my credit files. But I really begrudge this kind of injustice and would feel no more inclined to pay if it was a fiver. Can I expect anything else from them?
  3. Last October I SORN declared my vehicle with the DVLA.I assume you are aware of their loophole about the confirmation letter, well I didn't receive the SORN acknowledgement letter and as instructed contacted them by telephone after 4 weeks, thought everything was fine. Acknowledgement letter arrived in January stating that Sorn would begin in January but the car tax expired in October. A few weeks ago I receive a debt recovery notice from Inter-Credit International Ltd stating that the DVLA is currently preparing a case against me and to avoid this action I need to make payment of £80. Thank you for your time. Anybody dealt with these guys before, know how to beat them?
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