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  1. Yeah I've had a response to it stating they're going to get it from Britannia. I've linked the image of their reply above Royal Mail website shown my letter signed for the next day after I posted it
  2. Okay guys, I'll send the no CCA letter today. Misssilly, it's okay to accept the debt and pay it if that's what you want to do. I made attempts to pay Britannia when it was still with them and as far as I'm concerned they weren't willing to listen. Moorcroft are doing a job, but they're doing it badly and being very rude to many people and I am not going to spend my money phoning them and begging them to take X, Y or Z a month as payment. If they cannot provide the paperwork how do I know that Britannia won't come back in a few years and say I owe them the money, and all the money I've paid to Moorcroft was paid incorrectly or something I'm happy to pay it back, if they're happy to prove it's them that own the debt and that they have the relevant paperwork. I'm only happy to pay what I can afford though and I'm not going to be intimidated and spoken to like a piece of poo on the phone Cheers guys, will send the letter tonight and do it recorded !!
  3. Hmm, I'm a bit confused. Some people say to send the No CCA account in default letter, others say to ignore ?
  4. I've had a letter saying that they're requesting it from Britannia: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/9389/moorcroft.gif Ever seen so many 'Dulies' in a letter?
  5. Imageshack is a good one, free image hosting, just google it then post the direct link
  6. Good luck, just subbing as I am dealing with these guys too
  7. Hi guys. Still no reply from the last time I posted. Should I have sent the no CCA letter by now or do I wait until they come back to me again first? Does the 12+2 days only reflect the time it takes them to acknowledge my request or the time it takes to actually produce the CCA? Thanks guys. Lets hope I get a response soon as I am eager to see what happens
  8. I was thinking of ringing them and asking what this July lady's gotta do with it...the letter did make me laugh when I read it though
  9. Should they not already have the CCA considering they're chasing me for the debt? I'll file away and wait then TY guys again
  10. http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/9389/moorcroft.gif sorry, any better?
  11. Received this from them today any help appreciated
  12. Okay that's great, I'm assuming it's in my best interest that they do not produce it? Is it correct that they have 12 working days to respond?
  13. Okay, will do I'll keep this thread link and post here when I receive a reply again? Or is it best for me to start a new thread then? Thanks to everyone who has responded, it's a load off my mind. Now to see if there's anything else on this site that could help me ! (Bank charges, perhaps! ) Many thanks Nathan
  14. Ok that's great, a load of my mind for the time being! I know we're not at that stage yet, but what happens if A.) they produce the CCA or B.) they don't produce the CCA?
  15. Okay, I've sent the letter for CCA and postal order by recorded mail. So now it's just a waiting game? If I received more mail in the mean time do I ignore it? Many thanks once again guys
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