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Everything posted by chrismbee

  1. Big thanks to unclebulgaria67:) The link showed much more attractive premium and cover than those originally provided by my solicitors. Indeed, they have analysed the cover and acknowledged that it presents far better value than ChancelSure. Bearing in mind that a claim made in today's world will include modern consultancy/architect rates, it is easy to see that the sums involved could be far higher than ever thought possible years ago; we have opted for £1m liability indemnity, in perpetuity..... Although I'm not legally qualified to answer Marches' latest points in full, I would personally pursue the solicitor to get an insurance policy put into place, either at the former owners' cost, or at the solicitors' cost, especially as it sounds as if they have been negligent, to some degree. An important factor to bear in mind is that the Church aren't bound to identify any other "lay rectors" ie. a claim could be levied solely against you, so forget about the fact that there may be 1000's of other properties in the catchment area! For the sake of £75, I'd get the insurance even if I couldn't get somebody else to pay.
  2. Hi, Quite simply, the 25 year period is the one offered by the insurance details included by my solicitors, from ChancelSure. I don't understand how you can say that any future owner could get insurance since, if the PCC has indeed registered before 12/10/2013, there will be a known liability which is effectively uninsurable. Previous replies by JonCris and pommymike highlight the Government's lack of knowledge or desire to make sense of this ancient & ridiculous law. All I want to know is if the new house will be saleable in the future, if the PCC does register by the 2013 deadline.
  3. Hi, We have just come across this after a search on a house we are hoping to buy revealed a "potential" liability. My initial concern about an apparent (to me) [problem] by insurance companies, who profit on fear, led me to read further - and this thread (and other, similar threads) have both worried and incensed me. I am left with an important question: if the relavent PCC registers its interest (in the property) before the 12/10/2013 deadline, will this mean that (under current law) the property will always be liable? Crucially, would this also mean that, after any existing insurance policies have elapsed (eg. 25 years time), the property is effectively unsaleable?
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