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Everything posted by CarolineT

  1. I have the same tale od woe regarding a coffee machine delonghi 89.99 my mum bought me, I kept it unopeend until the kitchen fitters had finished I oened it a couple of days before xmas, the parts to make the coffee are missing .....I contacted delonghi because comet are closed delonghi say ..... we are not sending you any buy some ......you have had it longer than a month ..... why should i buy new parts when it should come with them ? NEVER BUY ANY DELONGHI PRODUCT
  2. Good AFternoon can anyone give me some advice my friend has a car shes being paying for for 16 months she has recently split from her husband and he failed to make 3 car payments to which she did not know, she has moved address recently after leaving her husband, she did tax the car and change the address on her V5 a letter was sent to her old address which her soon to be ex husband did not tell her about, this morning her car was repossessed for 482.00, if she wants the car back she must pay this plus 246.00 for the repossession man plus a further 144.00 she does not have this kind of money also she uses her car for work, she has not been to work today the repossession man told her he had been to the house she now lives in once before, she asked why he didnt leave a note or something to inform her, he said he couldnt because they traced through the car through DVLA and it would be illegal to write to her using the details they got from DVLA what can she do, to reduce the amount she has to pay, and get her car back
  3. Id love some grapes, what I would say to anyone in the same curcumstance is to carry on regardless of what anyone says, my new CRB says Adding and abetting 250 pound fine. which is what I did and what it should have read in the first place
  4. I will be going back to my old job............ as soon as I get my pot off ... broke my ankle
  5. Hi All, After quite a hard slog I have got my CRB changed to my charge,they CRB, have agreed to pay me my loss of earnings for this period. MY MP is now involved asking how this happened, why the POlice did not check properly and why did it take so long.
  6. Hi Papasmurf, I did have the wrong conviction on my record, I was right It was not mine , or anyone to do with me, I have it changed
  7. Compensation for being made to sit at Home for 4 months with no salary for a clerical error
  8. Good Morning, I have now got my CRB changed to my own record- It says Aiding and abetting, I have been advised to also send in a letter for compensation, has anyone done this before, any advise would be good
  9. to be honest , you only learn what to do when your going through it, ive had since August messing around with it, the crb contact the Police, the police check and say that its correct, they, the POlice also said they checked with Crown court and its correct, I get a copy of my record and it completely different, thats why i say Police mistake , because surley If i can get a copy of my conviction they also can my brother was convicted of theft , not theft from a person as the person he "stole it from " actually gave the money to him. stupid stupid stupid kids thanks for your help anyway
  10. I believe it is a Police error or whoever works updating the PNC, from what I understand so far, after youve been to court and been sentenced a copy of your conviction goes to PNC , to be added, Mine has been added incorrectly, I have follwed allthe CRB dispute procedure to hit a brick wall, In the end I contacted the Courts myself and got my own record and have sent a copy of my certificate of conviction to PNC to have the record changed to the right one. TBH my Mp is about as much use as a chocolate Tea Pot, i have been trying to sort this out since August to no avail, I didnt do a deal, the judge intervened, my involvement was very limited
  11. Hi there, there was no trial so there will be no transcript, I was not ever charged with what it says on my CRB, I have a copy of my original charge at magistrates court - it says conspiracy - discharged. I was charged at Crown Court and plead guilty with a fine that I paid. my question was and is how do i get my crb changed to the same as my conviction
  12. Hi all, I contacted Crown court myself and got a copy of certificate of conviction, it states Aiding and Abetting - theft - 250 pound fine, so srely my crb should read the same
  13. No, A&A is not as bad as the crime they commited, I was fined they went to prison for 18months, so now I will get fired for wording on the CRb on soemthing that happened 18 years ago
  14. thanks everyone, papsmurf, My CRB states theft from a person s68 - not adding and abbeting which was my charge, CRB does not say adding and abbeting a theft from a person, I think its all in the wording of it, and I need it to read my charge not my brothers, my Indictment From Magistrates reads conspiracy to steal with others, which the judge threw out, as it says dishcharged on the magistrates copy
  15. Hi that is exactly what they have said to me, If i cant get the wording changed i cant have my job back I had been working for them for only 3 weeks, so I dont have a leg to stand on ..I have not had any disciplinary meetings, just a call into the office and told I cannot work until its sorted out, my previous 4 CRbs were done by The British Embassy, there is nothing in my contract regarding convictions and nothing in the company handbook on the rehabilitation of offenders I did on all my paperwork with them declare my conviction of aiding and abbeting, i dont know how it can be relevant from 18 years ago
  16. I have just spoken to my employer If i dont get the wording changed on mt CRB I do not have a job
  17. I have just heard from Nottm magistrates Court, my original charge from them was conspiract to steal which was disharged never theft from a person, they are sending me the paperwork
  18. Hi papsmurf, I am not in receipt of any benefits as they refused my claim, and basically said I had capital in my house so should sell it
  19. Hi All and Thanks for all your input, My brother was charged and convicted with Theft from a person I was charged and convicted with Aiding & abetting - All I want is for my CRb to read I was charged with Aiding and Abbetting and fined 250. I was never charged with theft from a person on the day of setencing CPS did try to add another charge of Conspiracy to commit theft, we all pleaded not guilty, the jugde adjourned it, this carried on for the next two hearings, until the judge told the CPS "If you bring this lady (pointed at me) back to my court again next week under the same charge I shall let eveyone go free without any charges , there are more people involved than she was, I am wondering why they are not in the dock along side her , can you please answer that ? CPS dropped the conspiracy charge
  20. Concilliator, thank you for that letter, You also have the correct Mp for this area, unfortunatley I have already contacted him ..................no reponse, However your letter is much better than mine, I feel as though I should go back to school after reading yours thankyou I honestly dont mind revealing my conviction, Its my only one, and if no one makes a mistake in their life , how do we learn we just did that wrong!!!!!!!! I have always disclosed it, and never had a problem until now, I have to say its a very humbling experience living on 54 pound a week for two people, Its depressing, do you think I could now get a job going around schools telling children of the plight to come if they commit a crime !!!!!!!!!
  21. Ho papasmurf, In answer to your question, I was convicted of Aiding and Abbetting as I lent my brother the car My brother and his friend were charged with Theft from a person - no violence at all the third person who worked for kwiksave - I have no idea what sentance he got My CRb states i was convicted of theft from a person, in fact i was in London when the crime took place,
  22. My story is something similiar, very stupid childish , my brotherd friend worked at qwiksave and used to take the money on a saturday to the bank, He said to my brother and his friend come and rob me on saturday morning, they did, the police came to arrest my brother, he wasnt in and they got me instead, who knew all about it as my brother had borrowed my car - hence I got prosecuted, i paid my fine and got on with my life when we are in your teens and early twenties we do seem to think we infallable, 18 years later look what happens, my problem is my CRb shows the wrong conviction, hopfully I will be able to sort it out, I dont understand why there is not a proper procedure inplace for this, the one we have clearly does not work or the police do not want to finalize it by looking at it properly
  23. When I have all the paperwork I will then go to IPCC - I have had no salary for 3 months, my son and I are living on 54pound a week
  24. Thanks for your help. I have contacted Nottingham Crown Court and asked about having a copy of my original charge sheet, they have confirmed that I can, I faxed them this morning all the details that I can remember, Also I contacted the magistrates Court and asked them if they could trace me also, I paid my fine there and the case was sent from Magistrates to Crown, they may be able to, now I just have to wait until someone comes back to me.
  25. Hi thanks for your help, yes I do believe that i did, Im not 100% sure but i would think so, I was charged and fined 250 pound, the other three persons were charged with something more serious, some how I have got on my CRB thier charge and my fine, the other 3 were sent to prison for 18 months, however the Police are unwilling to correct the file, I know what I was charged with and I need to get my record straight before it does anymore damage..... this was 1993
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