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  1. hi, Its been over a week now and I still havent had the outcome of my discplinary hearing in writting, I have called the ER dept asking for this and they said they would send it to me in the post and via e-mail. I was also told in the discplinary hearing that I had 5 days to appeal and it would say in the letter who to appeal to. how long is a reasible time to wait for this letter? I dont know my the company is stalling. what should I do.
  2. Hi, Thanks for your message. The grounds for my appeal would be that its unfair, i have a report that shows 11 other tickets with cash on del that where outstanding within our area and my boss hasnt pulled those managers up on it, he is using me as an example and this is my fiirst error within 11 years. i have other examples where other branch managers have done wrong and they have either had a warning or not even been pulled up on, and their errors where worst then mine. Yes i admite we have been short staffed and i have been rushing around to get everything done in the day, but when your doing a job of 3 people it can be understandable to make an error. i have been told that if i appeal this to the regional directer who doesnt know me or much about my branch to present him with an information pack, stating a bit about myself, my branch, some figures that show we are short staffed, also to sell myself to him and how sorry i am. Then during the hearing he can then see how keen i am and how much i want my old job back. was i right to interperate in your message that they dont normal up turn a disaplinery hearing desion? and if so whats the point in appealing. thanks
  3. hi, As a branch manager i was suspended last week for not transax i cheque which ended up bouncing and for doing cash on deliveries for some customers which i was told not to do. our company p&p dont like us doing cash on del but are aware that manay branchs do it, as its very comman in the building ind. During the discplinary hearing i was told that i would be dimotived to an ass branch manager, have my company car taken off me and have to take a pay cut, as well as move to another branch. I believe that my bose was showing an example of me to the other branchs, he didnt really understand that due to staffing levels we have been pushed and under pressure, all the good things i have done for the company didnt mean anything. i know i have been struggling and admited that i have done wrong. I think that he had pre decided my outcome as he only ajurned the hearing for 5 min's. that afternoon i was told to clear my office and take a few days off which i am currently doing, I dont know if i should appeal this, yes i am unhappy about it but at least i have a job(not the one i want ), My question is - if i appeal it and the out come is that the punchment was fair could they change their mind and dissmise me instead or could i get a final warning and keep my old job? could they also say that this is a result of me underprofering as well, eventhro that wasnt what my discplinary was about. your advice would be helpful.
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