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Everything posted by brightsus

  1. I just kept asking for a copy of the original ticket with my registration number on it. When they got heavy I got advice from here on writing a letter. I'll see if I can dig that out.
  2. I've got a reply! Success! at last Here's the basics of the letter. ++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks you for your letter about the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) you received. The PCN was issued at [time] on [Date] in Bxxx Street (Y) because the vehicle was parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Due to technical difficulties unrelated to your enquiry, I can confirm that the PCN has been cancelled, on tis occasion only. If you receive communication in connection with a different PCN, please do not ignore it. ++++++++++++++++++++ What a load of BS! Thanks everyone for your help, especially lamma.
  3. Excellent, thank lamma. letter printing out right now! Reads: Dear Sir, In your letter dated 14th July 2010 regarding your “Notice to Owner” PCN BH987654A you are factually inaccurate in that you state that I have indicated that I sold the vehicle (XX99 YSL). I did in fact state that “I was never the owner of the vehicle in question” by marking the box provided. I have attached another copy of the Notice to Owner form I returned to you on 30th April 2010. Your letters to date clearly fail the 'Reasonableness or Rationality' Administrative Law test. In addition, your assertion that a Charge Certificate can be appealed is further evidence of this. If you do not withdraw immediately I will claim costs and pursue you civilly
  4. OK So I'm preparing the letter back to them and have a couple of questions: 1 - What are their duties under Administrative Law principles. 2 - What is the TPT They have not sent me any appeal forms for adjudication. My letter so far: Dear Sir, In your letter dated 14th July 2010 regarding your “Notice to Owner” PCN BHxxxxxxA you are factually inaccurate in that you state that I have indicated that I sold the vehicle (xx99 YSL). I did in fact state that “I was never the owner of the vehicle in question” by marking the box provided. I have attached another copy of the form I returned to you on 30th April 2010. I would like to remind you of your duties under UK Administrative Law principles. If you do not withdraw immediately I will claim costs and pursue you civilly ++++++++++++++++++ Thanks again
  5. Oh yeah, I have colour copies. CLEARLY showing the box ticked I was never the owner of the vehicle in question They really are trying it on!
  6. Thanks Lamma! Just the sort of info I was looking for. I've appealed the NtO with a "never owned the vehicle" response. They've asked me to provide proof that I sold the vehicle. What a joke! I'm going to leave the response to that until the last minute and tell them again I never owned the vehicle. They've threatened County Court action to collect the "debt"! I can imagine how the adjudication might go: Adjudicator - "Do you own xx99 YSL?" Me - "No, never have" Adjudicator - "you have never owned xx99 YSL?" Me - "No" Adjudicator - "Mr Brighton and Hove City Council, WTF are you thinking!" Mr BHCC - "It's not my fault, REALLY!...":confused:
  7. They got my registration number from the photos. The sad thing is that it must be costing hundreds of pounds in administration for them to pursue this in the hope I'll just pay up and pay. Although adjudication is not where I want to be, it would be interesting to see what happened.
  8. I'm going to just keep on saying I never owned the car with that reg number. See where they go with it.
  9. Well I did that and, no surprise, it's NOT on the database. The registration number most likely does not even exist.
  10. I guarantee that the ticket on my car did not have my registration number on it (the ticket reg no ending in a J not an L) The NTO has the same registration number as the ticket (IE not mine) The latest letter has the same registration as the ticket and the NTO (IE not mine) Clearly they are trying it on. They're threatening court action! Can I just confirm that the ticket is invalid if it has inaccuracies on it (EG inaccurate reg no) even though they have photo's of my car? Thanks
  11. They have the photos of my car. The reg is SO close even I did not see it at first. It's all correct apat from the last letter. xx99 YSL as opposed to my actual reg number xx99 YSJ Slight dyslexia will do that!
  12. So the saga continues. Following the issue of a ticket with the wrong reg number, I got a "Notice to Owner" still with the wrong reg number. I responded to that (kept copies) that i had never owned the vehicle. Now they've sent a letter saying I need to prove I sold the vehicle (not my reg number again) or they'll register a debt in the county court. Should I write back? I was thinking something along the lines of: "In your letter to me regarding penalty notice BHxxxxxxxA you are factually inaccurate in that I did not state that I had sold the vehicle (xx99 YSL). I did in fact state that: “I was never the owner of the vehicle in question” by marking the box provided. I have a copy of the for I returned to you and can provide this to you if required. As I have NEVER OWNED the vehicle xx99 YSL it is impossible for me to provide the proof of sale as you have requested." The original and inaccurate ticket was issued on 22/12/2009. They really are pushing it. What fun! Have they acted illegally? Will this constitute harassment? Have they broken any Data protection laws? Thanks for your help!
  13. Well I'd not thought about keeping copies. A bit dumb I know. I'm making copies now though. interesting that when I spoke to the woman at the town hall parking office she was adamant that that she could see the pictures of my car with the PCN Number on their website. I've checked on there myself and using the PCN and my real registration number gives a nice message saying "nothing to pay" I've got a screen print of that. However if I use the "wrong reg number" I get to see the photo's of MY car! I like a bit of a game. just hope it turns out in my favour
  14. So I've ticked the "I never owned it..." box. I suspect it will not be the last i hear of it..... Thanks for your help and advice. Really great
  15. Correct! They've also said they cannot supply a copy of the pcn (ticket) as by law they don't have to! They are being very naughty indeed...
  16. Iam guessing they got my address from teh pictures which clearly show mu reg number. The NtO is incorrect by 1 letter (ends in YSL) My reg ends in YSJ. You can see how the error has happened... The form has a tick box with "I was never the owner of the vehicle in question..." I guess I'm in the clear then?
  17. It's a Council Parking Enforcement Office Ticket. I ignored the ticket and now have a notice to owner of the wrong reg number. What should I do?
  18. A ticket was issued and put on my car but the wrong reg no. was used xx## xxL instead of xx## xsJ A small difference but wrong all the same. I now have a Notice to Owner with the wrong reg number sent through the post. 4 months after the ticket. They have all the photos of MY car but the documents have the wrong reg number. What should I do? My thoughts are send it back with a tick against the "I never owned the vehicle in question" Advice please...
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