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  1. Over the years I have dealt with most insurance companies and sadly quite a few loss adjusters, hence my opinion / advice is as follows: 1) You have a contract with the insurers so do not let them push you off to a firm of loss adjusters just because it suits them to do it. If they do recommend any company, check them out on websites like this and tell the insurers what you have read. Refer them to the website. 2) Ensure your claim is realistic and will stand up to scrutiny. Inflated claims are the reason that loss adjusters exist 3) There is no such thing as a good company of loss adjusters. They earn their fees by how much you are not paid and have no interest whatsoever in delivering a service to you. You are not their customer, the insurance company is. 4) Record all correspondance, no matter how insignificant it may seem 5) Make your requirements very clear at the onset. e.g. I want this claim settled within 28 days from todays date, I want the work carried out by an accredited company, I want the right of sign off that the work has been completed to my satisfaction, etc etc 6) Make it very clear that you will have no hesitation in escalating if your requirements are not met, and you must be prepared to do it. 7) Be assertive, not aggressive. Aggression will only give them ammunition.
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