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Everything posted by HappyDaysAgain

  1. Hang in there CrazyDave, you're nearly at the end. The last letter will probably be from another agency claiming to have 'purchased the debt' and offering you the opportunity to settle up with them at a reduced rate. Ignore that as well and you likely won't hear any more. The last correspondence I had from such a company was on the 3 June telling me I had to pay within 10 days blah blah and haven't heard a dickie-bird since...
  2. I didn't see the programme but one can only presume that the discussion dealt specifically with the non-criminal charges cowboys like UKPC try to enforce. I can't imagine a lawyer would be so daft as to make that type of statement as far as Road Traffic Act parking contraventions are concerned. Or am I being naive?
  3. Wish I'd seen it! Did they name any specific companies? I have now received my latest threatening letter from Debt Recovery Plus. They've 'given up' and are passing the case back to UKPC. But before they do they have a last bash at intimidation by trying to scare you by totting up all the fees and charges and fines you'll get IF they get a CCJ against you. Comes to about £350. Next they try to make you think they can get a CCJ in absentia, no acknowledgement of the fact that you'd be at the court explaining what a bunch of lying, conning lowlife this lot are. When you read the letter carefully all they keep banging on about is recommending 'this' and notice of INTENDED legal proceedings 'that' etc etc. Empty words. Tragic that they choose to ignore what the Law actually says about who they pursue for their money. Let's hope something comes of the Watchdog coverage.... I'll let you know when letter 4 arrives
  4. Hi All, This site is superb and I'm sure the advice given here provides many with the encouragement and strength to fight these jokers. I am at the 'debt recovery stage' ( 1st letter from 'Debt Recovery Plus' [bless their little cotton socks] stating all the usual rubbish). Thus far I have not acknowledged any letters/demands made of me either by UKPC or Debt Recovery Plus and am aware that, following advice on this forum, this seems to be the best course of action. I'm just curious to know if anybody has stuck to this and not entered into any correspondence whatsoever with these people and whether they did eventually go away?
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