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Everything posted by omslemming

  1. Im determined to get them to at the very least write off the rest of the debt, they have not only trashed my credit rating for an entire year, but they have 3 times refused to alter the information when requested, the first time I noticed this was back in october 2017 when the first complaint was made and rejected, it took 3 further complaints being rejected, and finally me threatening to take legal action to get them to admit they cocked my file up on this. a years worth of missed payment flags and arrears wrongly? multiple times complaints rejected wrongly? yeah thats worth more then a token £30 to me! Of course the wrong data being present on the file and the consequences for me in terms of my credit rating have annoyed me.....but whats really annoyed me is the fact it took right up to a threat of legal action for them to admit they were in the wrong, even to the point of them activly refusing to change the data claiming it was accurate when requested change through credit ref agencies dispute systems. An honest mistake is an honest mistake. But then lying and accusing me of being in the wrong when I knew I wasnt? Thats unacceptable. im going to the ombudsman I think, gonna see what more I can get out of this in terms of compensation.
  2. Just an update to this, after refusing to drop it and going on and on at satsuma, even threatening further action after they `again` refused my request to change the info via experian and equifax`s dispute system I finally today received a reply containing the following: ` I have reviewed the information we have shared with the Credit Reference Agencies. I am aware your credit file has not been updated to reflect your payment arrangement and we have reported your account as in sustained arrears with no arrangement. I would like to apologise for this error and any distress and inconvenience we may have caused you.` They're updating the credit reference agencies and they even offered me a token £30 compensation. I do have the option to take it further with the Financial Ombudsman Service as long as I do so within 6 months of the email. To be honest im tempted to, yes I appreciate my file will now be being updated with the correct info but you know what? these guys have really made it hard to sort this out, this has been going on for ages now and they've even multiple times refused to update the info when ive put requests in via experian and equifax, not to mention the small fact that if I hadnt noticed my credit file with them would have been displaying this harmful and totally inaccurate info with no challenge, not to mention the fact that due to their incompetence this has been sat on my file eating away at my credit rating every month that passed with another missed payment flag for a year or so now. is £30 enough, you know ive tried to get credit that would have sorted my affairs out a few times this year and ive been turned down and I cant help but feel if it wasnt for this one file dragging my score down I may not have been unsuccesful. Im tempted to push for them to write off the rest of the debt entirely or I take it to the ombudsman, I feel thats the least they could do considering theyve had me spend so much time to correct an obvious mistake and their mistake has had such an impact on my credit rating for over a year. what would the advice be here? should I threaten to take it further and see what they offer me?
  3. 1. I wasnt arguing with DF I worded my response wrong, 2.ive thanked multiple people when given good advice such as the person who worded that potential letter out for me to ee over this issue. 3.if I have someone start getting personal accusing me of `wanting validation` and telling me to go to a fluffier site ill respond in kind....talk like a [removed] to me and ill talk like one back to you. My advice to get my account deleted was based on that the way you were talking I assumed you were a forum mod, when in fact its clear your just a self important asswipe trying to lecture people based on their justified response to your insulting post. HAVE A GREAT DAY PAL! haha Mods just delete this thread, ive got the advice I needed out of it anyway and clear im just going to `upset` sensitive snowflakes who cant take me responding to their insults in kind.
  4. Yes I see that now, sorry my reply should have been worded `in my case` I dont believe this to be theft... because......
  5. How is it theft? ive informed them ive got it, its up to them to arrange to pick it up, simple as, why should I go out of my way to post it back to them based on their mistake? It would be theft if I didnt inform them of the mistake but I already have. If they cannot be bothered to pick it up within the timeframe ive set in the letter ive sent them then thats their issue not mine, ive clearly stated how long im willing to hold it for before disposing of it.
  6. Thanks, I was thinking of writing a letter but that one is a lot better and more professional sounding then anything I could come up with. I wonder about the unsolicited thing though I mean yes I originally requested an upgrade but their systems cancelled that minutes after the order had been placed(because EE systems are amazing obviously lol) , it never even went into `dispatch` mode or the warehouse system if you know what I mean and ive long since been refunded, that contract also no longer exists and the phone itself was sent as something entirely separate with the `no charge required labelling` etc (the original upgrade request cost me an early upgrade fee+30 quid upfront for the handset) its almost as if theyve sent me a phone as if ive ordered a sim free non contract phone, which is definitely nothing requested by me. I think ill take your advice and write them a letter so I have `offline` evidence as well of having told them Ive received the handset and just see what happens then, id love it if I did get to keep it as this things worth about £700-800 new, ive got the phone already now as its the same one I got with my vodafone contract I switched to so id just sell it to make a profit.
  7. Oh don`t worry its been put in a high cupboard, unopened and just waiting for me to decide what to do with it, I wouldn't worry to much about `restarting` a contract, they cant do that without me legally agreeing to said contracts terms. Im thinking my luck might be in with this, obviously I wont jump the gun and sell it or anything already but if its not linked to my contract, its not linked to any upgrade order (as that had been cancelled and refunded by the time it was even sent to me), its sent to me with a dispatch note saying no payment needed and they dont even appear to have a record of its imei number on the paperwork then I genuinely think this has just slipped through the cracks somehow. I did read something where if you notify the company who have sent you an unrequested item that youve got it and ask them to arrange collection and they dont bother to then its yours after 60 days have passed....is that true? Put it this way I wont be making great strides to return it to EE. its their mistake and considering im still [removed] with them for messing me around over the upgrade in the first place if they want it back they can sort out a courier and all that, ive notified them ive got it, that im keeping it safe and that if they want it back they can contact me to arrange collection. pretty sure thats where my responsibility ends here. so the question for me is how long do I wait with them doing nothing before I can safely consider it genuinely as `they arent bothered if they get this back or not I can pretty much use it for my own ends`
  8. I’m not sure it even counts as unsolicited goods. All EE have to do is show it was sent out whilst the order was still active .... Do the right thing: notify them it has arrived, and hope they don’t ask for it back; otherwise it could be seen as theft. The order wasn't active when the phone was sent out....the upgrade was cancelled the day after it was ordered on 3/4th April and the refund even went into my account at the start of last week.....this phone left ee last thursday according to the dispatch note that is why I say I don't think it could be linked with the upgrade order as that order no longer existed when the phone was sent. Also I have notified them. I contacted them on livechat and asked them to email me to arrange a collection of they wanted me to send the phone back.....I've had no contact and I have a record of me having told them.via the livechat chatlog.
  9. Thing I find strange is on the dispatch note under imei number it is all just blank...nothing in the field at all.....meaning they dont have a record of the imei number of this phone perhaps? if so can I do as I wish with it? they dont even seem to have any record of me having got it is all, no record of it being sent, nothing on the order tracker....no record of it on my account and no payment needed in their own words......and if they dont have it connected to any particular imei number then they cant block it.....what would you do? Im not going to just `send it back` to them unless they request and given the circumstances I dont think they will as it seems to have been sent to me `away from` the system if you know what I mean?
  10. Aplogies I started a new thread as the issue im after advice on my rights on is different or though still `related` to the original post as its because of the mess ees upgrade systems are that this has been sent to me I reckon.
  11. this is a follow on from this thread https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?486209-EE-misusing-payment-without-permission-any-laws-broken-....&p=5110746#post5110746 my upgrade was cancelled...all refunded finally after much fighting, ive cancelled the contract concerned with EE because they [removed] and ive gone to vodafone(with a much better deal I might add!) so all was well and good there.....but this morning I got a phone in the post. from ee....the phone that I was meant to be upgrading to with them but said upgrade was cancelled. There is no record of this on my online ee account, no order status, no bill, no charge, nothing. As well as this the phone in question comes with a delivery note that expressively states on it `no payment required` when in fact if it was in relation to that upgrade thats not even true because it was an early upgrade with a fee of £100+ and the handset itself cost £29 under that deal. i think they've sent me a phone with no link to my ee account, no plan setup for it, no charge requested.....so what are my options? I mean they've sent me a phone not linked to any account, with a note saying `no payment required` so they arent asking any payment of me.. ..have I essentially been sent a free phone? Can I keep this? I mean surly If they flag it up at any point and demand its return I can just refer them to the invoice sent with the package saying no payment was required of me and claim I assumed it was an apology for the poor service id received. I know that sounds stupid but this is the paperwork I've received with the gift is from them officially so does that hold up legally or? I mean if they've sent me a phone with a document saying no payment is required they cant then later demand payment can they? Dispatch note is below: form1.pdf
  12. Yep every other piece of credit I have is fully up to date and showing no flags. I am sure it is provident causing the damage to the score, as I said I havnt picked up on this for a year roughly now, so for 12 months each month my payments have been reported as late and showing a big fat £0 payment made also, and of course every month thats gone by some of those payments esp the ones just after the arrangment was setup have been getting later and later, some of them are showing as 8-9-10-11 months overdue now because of this error. its not just a case of missing a single payment, my record is showing as if I hadnt paid a thing to this loan, with multiple late payments, some dragging back months and months. It must be that thats tanking the score. I have looked into this thats how I noticed the error with provident in the first place. Just awaiting replies now im hopeful as ive also sent evidence to equifax and experian showing the payments have been made without fail of the £80 monthly, if they say that isnt enough Ill get hold of printed copies of the account statements and send them off by snail mail.
  13. Take my word for it its the only black mark on there. The only actual default ive ever had was about a decade ago if not more so had long since been wiped off the record and there is nothing else in about the last 11-12 months (and missed payments stay on file for only 6 months remember) that shows anything but perfect payment.
  14. Well going by the one I can quick access on my phone (clearscore which I think is based on equifax?) My score is 341 out of 700. Not very high but its a lot better then a year or so ago when it was around 120 of 700! Its been steadily climbing since about october last year once accounts started being settled and all sorted. Im anxious for it to continue obviously thats why I hope to get this provident mess sorted out
  15. Definitely this behind my low score, As I said ive made a real effort to get my file in order over the last year I still have a couple of other debts on my file but nothing major (nothing even above £500) and nothing else has any missed payments showing or any problems at all othen this provident entry. It has to be this its the only thing flagging up with any issues on its status. I think the problem is the fact that its multiple late payments over an entire year due to the errors in recording. I mean take yhat experian file its showing it as 4-5 payments 5 months late or more 3 payments 2-3 months late or more etc and so on . im sure one payment late wouldn't be an issue but this is flagging up as multiple months late over an entire year. Thats gotta be adding up when it comes to tanking the score
  16. Both credit services, equifax(noodle) and experian as above show the payment arrangement of £80 a the payment terms for the entry concerned, neither of them even mention any other payment arrangement. As such the payments `under` that entry must be for the payment amount shown, which would be the £80 a month, it is that entry these payments are connected to on my file and that entry is showing the terms as I mention, nothing else. I think that previous arrangement can be disregarded. Surely if the payments on my file are showing connected to a particular payment schedule then it is that schedule they take into account if I am keeping to or not, not a past schedule which there is no longer even any record of on the credit file entry, do you see what im saying? Under this arrangement I have never missed a single payment and I have certainly never paid £0 a month as the records show. At the very LEAST even if you disagree about what the late payment thing is in relation to you must see that it cant be right that the records show me as simply paying nothing for 12 months running, no mention of the payments of the £80 ive been making on time monthly what so ever. And that is factually incorrect. The question is and the reason I even posted here was to ask what do I do about it? what can I do about it? if satsuma refuse to update the record once again (and ive requested corrections with experian and equifax as well) to at least show the payments I have been making rather then £0 is there another level I can take it to? some kind of ombudsman I can ask to take a look at the case if I think ive been treated unfairly? This is the noodle report entry, note the same, increasingly late payments despite the stated payment terms on the file entry showing as a regular payment of £80 a month.......which is what im paying on time every month. (edit, think equifax need to update accounts faster as well......no entry at all on that since january, its now april....only 3-4 months out of date lol) pc3.pdf
  17. ah ive found a way to do this. heres the first part of the entry showing the £80 x 13 months arrangement at the top and the bit with where it states about every payment. it only shows one as you can only have 1 open at a time but the £0 in the payment made section is the same under every single one. Well they are doing 1 of 2 things. they have recorded the arrangement as the new £80 x 13 months as stated on the file but for some reason not recognising the payments made... ..or they are doing it as to the original arrangement but stating the new one and still not recording the right payments made as new arrangement or old arrangement ive been paying them £80 a month not £0 as they are recording. Ive contacted them about this so we`ll see what comes about, I cannot believe theyve had me as paying £0 every month for 12 months now! no wonder whatever I did well in other ways I couldn't get my damn score to raise! At the very least even disregarding everything else I have not paid £0 at any point for this loan let alone £0 every single month for the last year! just glad I caught this when I did. CRF.pdf
  18. on my phone at the moment so will sort a pdf to upload when I get home just noticed something interesting, there `is` a mention of the arrangement under the entry on my file....on the bit where it says PAYMENT TERMS: it specifies £80 x 13 months which is what ive been paying (with none missing) however every single entry under that -under the headings `payments up to 5 months late`. `Payments up to 4 months late`, `Payments up to 3 months late`, `Payments up to 2 months late`, `Payments up to 1 months late` (organised via the experian credit expert credit report) shows payment amount £0 as if ive paid nothing. So the arrangement at the top specify`s the 13 months of £80 a month that im paying. But the payments underneath in relation to that £80 x 13 months are showing as if im paying £0 and missing every single one Now that definitely cannot be right as first of all im not paying £0 even if it was taking into account the original arrrangment im still paying £80 a month rather then the £0 its recording... ..and second of all if the payments are towards the £80 x 13 months as id assume they are as thats whats stated at the top of the file then surely saying ive paid £0 each month when ive actually made that £80 payment is totally wrong!
  19. Literally every single payment is marked as late, not marked as under arrangement, not marked as partially paid just `late` no mention of the new arrangement what so ever anyway on the entry in my file its as if ive defaulted and not paid a penny since. and that certainly isnt right. Or though I think next time id just do that because if I did itd tank my credit file anyway so whats the difference?
  20. when did I state it was your fault? and no I don`t apologise for the swearing, theres no kids here and im frustrated I just don`t see any other reason for provident doing this other then pure spite, as I said no other company I set up an arrangement with have gone about it like this! I dont see how when im meeting a payment arrangement THEY ACCEPTED and haven't missed a single payment they have the legal right to mark every single payment due as missed as if the new arrangement doesn't exist! They made no mention of the damage this arrangement would do to my file when they accepted it by the way!
  21. They didnt default me but they are marking down my payment as late every single month despite the fact I am making payments under the new arrangement absolutely fine. Added to that i setup arrangements with 2 or 3 companies at the time..... provident are the only one who have done this.... it seems almost spiteful to me, what do they gain from [removed] my credit file? How the hell am I meant to improve my credit rating when even when I try to get things under control and sort out ways to pay off what I owe without missing payments im still penalised a year or so after .. ..had enough of this [removed] If they had a problem with my new payment arrangement to the point where they felt the need to destroy my credit rating over it why the hell did they accept it??? Maybe next time I should just default on the entire loan and not pay them anything I wouldn't have been any worse off!
  22. But the new agreement has surely superseded the original agreement? , you cant have 2 payment agreements for one loan active. the original one is invalid, I cant possibly pay towards that anymore as all payments to satsuma automatically go towards the new agreement, that old agreement no longer exists....and surely the new agreement as the one im currently paying towards should be on my file, i`ve been paying it off since may 2017 and its not got a single entry on there
  23. I had a loan via satsuma loans (provident financial ltd) I started to find unaffordable. I did the right thing and rather than paying late I contacted them being honest and setup a payment agreement, which I have stuck to 100% and not missed a single payment since it was setup in may 2017. Despite this and the fact ive made major strides to improve my debt handling and credit record over the last 12 months its still had something dragging it down and ive just found out that its provident financial ltd. The record for them on my credit file is still showing as per the original loan agreement which I haven't been paying for almost 12 months now however this is no longer valid as the new payment agreement I had with them superseded this original agreement which explains why I haven't been making payments towards it. I have requested via experian and noodle that satsuma update this record to reflect the new agreement but they have refused to do so. My question is, is this legal? I dont see how when ive setup a payment agreement with a company's approval that the original payment agreement is still valid as surely you cannot have 2 payment agreements with 1 company for 1 loan.. ...the payment agreement I setup surely supersedes the original one? and I dont see how its fair that im being penalised for late payments on a loan agreement I no longer have any agreement to pay. this whole thing has utterly tanked my credit file despite the fact ive worked really hard over the last year to sort myself out and until I find someway to correct it it will keep on tanking my credit file. So just wondering what my options are here? Is there anyway I can force satsuma to update my file to show the new agreement rather then the out of date invalid one? Can I get some advice please?
  24. They told me I could get a refund by a debit indemnity as the woman put it, I had no idea what this was at the time but she must have seen the payment was by card so she would have known I couldnt get a refund by this method, she also didnt mention the slightest thing about the fact that as I state below the refund had gone onto my account balance she actively told me I had a full refund incoming, the debit indemnity she suggested was a way I could `speed that refund up` she was on the accounts team she would have had my payment info and account balance in front of her, so she lied to me. I was told on livechat that EE couldnt cancel the payment because it was no longer pending. Id just been on the phone to my bank who told me the payment was pending, ee lied to me on this I was then when informed the csr of this fact that they `didnt have the ability to refund a pending payment` ....that is another lie, as stated a pending payment is easier to sort out then a refund as all they need to do is cancel it. I also did not at any point authorise them to use my upgrade payment as a general credit on my account or put it towards my bill, they claimed id authorised this when I paid by card.....thats another lie as me paying my card for a certain product/service....in this case through the upgrade portal does not authorise them to use that payment for other means. Are you really telling me they can misuse a customers funds without permission, lie about their ability to refund a payment and the status of a payment and refuse to cancel a payment when pending and they havnt broken any laws or banking codes? I will be claiming this payment back in full via a chargeback to my debit card but I will be putting in a full complaint to ee and the ombudsman over this issue, I dont mind systems going wrong and errors being made but I will not tolerate being flat out fobbed off and lied to by a company. I have all the conversation records from the online chats, I have the time and date of the call with the woman who fobbed me off in the morning for them to find the recording of that and im going to get a record from my bank of the fact that the payment was still pending on their system when ee were telling me it wasnt and it couldnt then be refunded so easily. Itll all be going in the complaint, lets see what response I receive. Out of all this all ive found is I really dont want to stay with this company, over this issue within a day theyve gone from me trying to upgrade my phone with them to me using the refund (when I get it) to buy out my contract(after seeing what response my complaint generates) and moving to another network (already signed up to a better deal with vodafone) top work by them on this, way to [removed] and lose a long term customer quickly!
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