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sick of asprea

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  1. Well all I can say is you work for them so your opinion really does not mean didlly squat. It is my misfortune to have had a water leak on the 9/1/2010 and from that day until the 1st April Asprea did their level best to avoid doing anywork to my property,in fact had it not been for Aviva supplying phone numbers of the other contractors involved nothing at all would have got done. from day one when they left me for 12 hours overnight with no heating lighting or water when it was -3% outside I have had to phone them 2/3 times daily to get anything sorted. By mid march we called Aviva and said we were going to the ombudsman as the so called claim adjuster who would be my personal contact point and organiser could not even bother to answer my calls never mind return them. They said we will put you on to Cunningham Lindsay ok so our contact there does speak to us but we still have to contact him to get things done, they are not co-ordinated and he appears to never read emails apparently his preference is phone call, then of course you have no proof of what has been said or agreed. In general calls into this sort of company are "recorded to assist in training" but calls out are a different matter. During our claim we have dealt with Aviva, Aprea, Cunningham Lindsay, Ival, Facilities, Aspect, LRL,Chemdry,a removal company whose name escapes me, Connaughts, then of course there is my bank who provided my home insurance. Is it any wonder things do not get done with so many companies involved ? All of a sudden after April 1st we had a volley of phone calls and work started to progress, funny how this co-insides with the take over of Asprea by Aviva, until this point Asprea were owned and run by Carrillion. My advice to anyone about to make a claim get a diary record every call you make keep all correspondence in a file together, even emails set a separate folder for all emails in and out, take photos before claim starts and during, making a note of when each was taken so you have photographic evidence of how things are progressing Or not as the case may be. We have been with out 2 bedrooms in our property since the 9/1/2010 and we have 3 adult sons all living at home one of who has had to sleep on a lilo in the lounge (that is once the lounge floor was dry enough) Aviva did advise us at one point to order a mattress for him we were not allowed to order a bed base until the bed had been deemed un restorable, I asked where she suggest I put it as at the time the bedrooms could not be used and the floors in the lounge and dining room were sodden, she did not understand that when you have water at mains pressure cascading through your house so fast it forces a ceiling down that the bed directly under it would not be restorable. I had to laugh when we eventually had contact with Asprea, the first words out of the guys mouth were I understand you had a leak WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO ABOUT IT !!!! then he said we will be there friday or early next week bearing in mind this was sunday morning and we had spent the night clearing up as best we could with no lights. Even after I told him we had no light or heating the penny did not drop about maybe we should be offered alternate accomadation, this was finally offered mid march. You suggest insisting on using Asprea my advise INSIST THAT THEY USE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE DOING. Aspect/Connaughts/Chemdry and LRL should be applauded for managing to work with such an incompedent company there tradesmen have been excellent and Aspect did everything they could to cause as little disruption as possible while they removed the asbestos containing artex
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