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Everything posted by khemist

  1. Hi all, Computers will be the death of me! Still having computer issues... I will post court papers today while machines are working. The court says the enemy have until Wednesday to file info, and I have until may 2nd week in may to file response if directed to. Thanks for your input. khemist
  2. Also re; statement, someone here had asked if it was from oc or lowlifes or from who? I would say its home made, apart from the top left where I removed the account number [which is easily cut and paste] the document was left intact. There are no references to me or my name - for all I know it could be the judges account... khemist
  3. Thanks CitizenB there are approximately 16 pages and all are the same i.e. figures keep changing with no in or out payment - and when there is payment the figures are not correct! Now I know why the judge looked at it then looked at me as if to say - you need to check this. I have received info from the court I will need some assistance with, as in certain words and directions.. will post shortly. Thanks again all! khemist
  4. Here is the dodgy looking statement again.... And the so called CCA khemist c1 statement edit.pdf cca sent edited.pdf
  5. Thanks all, unclebulgaria67 I will re -post... Back on line with some great news, I think! I have checked my banks for payments made to anyone re: the enemy's suggestion..... [payment made 2006] THERE ARE NO PAYMENTS TO CAPONE OR ANYONE BETWEEN OCT 2005 AND JUNE 2007 - therefore in my books this debt is categorically statute barred..... Over the moon khemist
  6. Hey all, I have got laptop issues! so posting will be erratic for a bit. Could anyone possibly tell me if the agreement posted constitutes a credit card agreement? The debt is statute barred,however they show a payment in summer 2006, so they are saying it is not statute barred... I am awaiting bank statements to prove otherwise. What is a certificate of compliance? thanks khemist
  7. this is a copy of one sheet of the statement. See if you notice what a bad customer I was. khemist
  8. I need clarification please. Have I given up my right to agree to pay this alleged debt, due to me trying to set-aside? Will the end result be, court then win or lose I cant stop it, bankruptcy? My wife and I are going at it furiously, [she thought it would end yesterday] she says I should offer them a small payment? she believes whether debt is mine or not or statute barred or not - its got my name on it and I must suffer the consequences, and offer payment, she says I am now threatening the family home now... Am I fighting a losing battle? I cannot afford a solicitor, I am not even working! and soon if I don't fix this I will be without a home again too. khemist
  9. I agree and understand - asokn and 42man. Points noted. khemist
  10. Thank you. I was almost in tears of what I was hearing... the audaciousness of playing on ignorance.
  11. Thank you asokn - I implicitly understand your comments - what I should have written so all info is known is that, I told the girl and her father straight away, I am not legal, and I don't know anything,other than bits of info gained through research, the girl was crying, I said this is what I have learnt - it may or may not be correct, however if I were in your position I would try something, anything, other than to accept that legal persons requests before court, [ I did not say I got the info from CAG or anywhere specific!] I told him/her try it you never know!!! when I came from my hearing they had already gone - I asked the clerk what had happened - she said their case had been adjourned [and would not tell me more].... so I understand what you have said and I also understand implications through giving wrong advice! the young lady's opposition told her [which is why I jumped] if you agree to this now - I will tell the clerk they will not be representing, sign this document and we will deal privately without the court and he would arrange the sale of the fathers house for cash and the dad would earn out of it and keep his home whilst renting from them!!!!!!!!!!! I know this [problem] - I have seen it many times - Its an awful [problem], but it works.... thanks I would not jeopardize this sites reputation through stupidity.. khemist
  12. Something for you to laugh at... looking at these statement this is what it shows.... I started a credit card near the millennium, I used it with no payments made, they increased the limit [all with PPI] still no payments made, then there were some payments made a couple of years into the use of the card, then this funny looking payment in august 2006 by debit card!!! In order for anyone to have credit card, use it, and the limits extended, surely would be making regular payments monthly to keep it going????? { I am being sarcastic} before my slip in life, I had an amex green card as well as various other cards with mad limits - however I paid of everything and cancelled - somehow this one seemed to go unoticed and I can assure you all I paid all my bills on time every month.. . [relevant only to show I was once a sensible lad]. khemist
  13. They provided statements [very dubious with major discrepancies] of which I have told you about in a previous post -[ dated last payment august 2006???$$] to which I have to check [directed by the judge whether it was me or not, the judge argued with them saying whether or not this paymnt was made why is this not shown as a deduction from the original figure?? I will post more on this. they provided an easy application form [to which the judge snigered and said - 'is this the contract you rely upon?' - and glanced at me, as if to say look at this its ridiculous, I stated I would need more time than my counterpart to review such documents as they had not adhered to the courts requests or mine for a CCA and statements etc... [WHEN I RETURNED HOME FROM COURT - A STATEMENT, AN EASY APPLICATION FORM, AND A LETTER - STATING. they are not required by any law for a time restriction to send such information to me.... [i will post] re: CCA request. khemist
  14. Hi people. Needed some time to collate my thoughts! I am fearful of what may be read here by unscrupulous eyes, so I will be cautious... I went to court, I had a lovely judge [i believe] stat demand has not been set-aside YET, the judge has given directions. Not quite sure what this means fully, however the judge has given the enemy 2 weeks to file, although their solicitor argued for more time the judge stated they should have provided me with the info requested earlier, the judge also gave me a lot longer to peruse the info to create my defense. I am currently scanning various bits for you guys and girls to assist... The opposition opposed my application, the judge said they could not set-aside yet, pending more info [of which I will let you lot know discreetly] I have until 1st 2nd week or so of may! there are other time implications! SO!!!! I entered the arena - grabbed the bull by the horns and we are now tussling - albeit I believe in my heart the judge is biased towards me!!!! I think this is good. Hindsight is a great thing, I can now see if I was not so nervous I could have argued some points better and had it set-aside! yesterday however the opposition was well versed in their job although not so much with this case, the opposition tried to be friendly before the hearing - offering me various bits of info before we went in, I declined, not sure for good or bad. will update soon. khemist ps I WILL SAY AGAIN - IF IT WERE NOT FOR YOU GUYS AND GIRLS, i WOULD HAVE COLLAPSED YESTERDAY FOR SURE! YOUR HELP AND INFO IS PRICELESS... THANKS A BUNCH. I also gave the site address to 7 different people at the court yesterday and told them to read away. Some poor young woman was about to agree to a bankruptcy with her opposition before her hearing based on a debt that is £800 - I jumped up like a lion about to pounce on food, interjected and pulled her and her father to the side and said - IF THE DEBT IS LESS THAN £750 THEY CANNOT PROCEED WITH A BANKRUPTCY PETITION..... THE FATHER PULLED OUT £60 POUNDS MEANT FOR THEIR JOURNEY HOME AND SAID WHAT CAN I DO - I TOLD HIM: he had an hour before his daughters hearing run to the bank I showed him there was a payment slip on a letter she had, I said use it and pay the £60 into the account and take the receipt into the court and say - THE DEBT IS LESS THAN £750 AND NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH OTHERWISE!!!!! I was so proud of myself it overshadowed my not getting my set-aside... . all thanks to you guys and gals, Knowledge is only potential power its what you do with it is what counts. THANKS khemist
  15. Hi all. CitizenB - court date was today!!!!! Will update later. khemist
  16. Hi all. Just to let you all know I am armed and ready!!!! Thank you all for your immense support and advice. Come what may, I am ready........ Will update soon.. CitizenB your last post helped a lot! THANKS.... 42man - your large! - Dx - Sweetie and cool! and all the rest of you, should be proud of yourselves... aint won yet, but I plan too. khemist
  17. Hey guys and gals, Any more pointers for me before I go to court this week? Costs are in, file is ready! And I am nervous as hell.... khemist
  18. Hi Guys and girls [please forgive me when I say Hi guys, I do mean men and women - hope I have not offended anyone!] Anyways, how do you subscribe to a thread so I know when its updated rather than having to keep searching for it? Thanks
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