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Everything posted by trinatonga

  1. I find it odd that I have received the letter in the 1st place as like I said, I have no debt anywhere. You are 100% correct in saying it's Global Debt Recovery behind the letters they are sending out because at the very top of the letter it stipulates a number followed by G/Global the date and time the letter was printed. For anyone else, I'd suggest looking at the top right hand corner of the letter and if it says the above. IGNORE IT! I will await their response and keep you posted.
  2. I also received a letter from Connex which I assumed they were trying to locate someone other than myself as it implied it in the letter. This was not the case. I called them yesterday and it was me they are looking for. Unfortunately, they were not able to give me any further info on their client as some info was not correct. I also did a bit of digging on companies house and could not find them. I did however locate their mailing address and it’s a virtual one they use from Mailboxesetc. After reading others concerns about Connex I called them back to see if they had contacted their client but as yet I am still none the wiser. I did however ask the lady in question about the company and it appears they have not been trading very long. They are not registered with Companies house as they don’t need to. They are regulated by ICO because of data protection etc. I would like to add that I do not have any debt so I am not concerned about that. I will update once I receive the info from the client and hopefully put your mind at ease that it’s not all doom and gloom. If you have not called them yet it might be worth trying. I had to call 3 times before I actually spoke with anyone so keep trying. Good Luck
  3. applications@modelsdirect.com information@modelsdirect.com info@modelsdirect.com mail@modelsdirect.com I also have a non 0871 number for them too 01603-787188 this is not their fax number, by calling this number you can simply enter the extension of the person you would like to talk to, in my case it would have been ext 227 (Lynsey Model Coordinator) I was about to call these people and give away £128 but something did not ring true, or should I say it sounded too good to be true, you don't get something just handed to you. But I suppose you can be handed false promises for a quick £128. Maybe someone can answer me something here because I have no idea where they store all our personal information, not just that but pictures of our children. If these people are indeed con artists and are only interested in the fees of 128 / 97 / 76 surely we can do something under the data protection act of minors. I initally uploaded 4 photo's of my daughter which are now in the hands of these people. What can I do?
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