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Everything posted by tech1

  1. Hi Is There a website or forum where you can post the name of the Atos HCP that carried out your WCA and was found to have complaints against him upheld by the Atos 1st tier tribunal as in my case . ( the tribunal even said this "doctor" has a higher complaint rate than is to be expected and will be reviewed by the MM ) He came to uk from Poland and never worked for anyone but ATOS and didnt have 3 yrs post registration with GMC. I'm still in process of finding what registered body in poland he had 3 yrs post reg with ! was to have my ESA appeal last fri but on the morning they rang me and told me they looked at my evidence and they had allowed my appeal ! Still not gonna let them get off that easily ,this Doc hasnt heard the last of me until he is sanctioned for what he did/is doing. Sorry to sound paranoid but had a year of this and you tend to go one way or the other ....give up through the sheer stress of it all ..or fight like hell and give them all you got(if your able to ) Cheers
  2. Thanks Sorry it was a bit long . Hope Post gets to update us with how it went good or bad. Cheers.
  3. Hi Post Been following your case but only just registered as had to ask how it went for you. Hope your ok and things went your way,maybe not heard results because your still over the moon or maybe under the weather. I too been in the Atos DWP loop since june last year and had my tribunal date for last fri at 2.40. I was so looking foreward to finaly proving my case and showing the tribunal all my evidence ,surgeons letters,doctors letters,physios letters and med history since 1981. then 2 days before tribunal got the findings from ATOS first tier tribunal SWEEEET they agreed the polish "doctor" (never worked in this country before statred work with ATOS) had made assumptions and didnt carry out medical properly and came to conclusions that had no written justification . I was sooo looking foreward to showing that to the tribunal . Then on fri morn the tribunal rang and said "you do not have to attend as we looked at your evidence and have allowed your appel " I was so relieved but then after a few mins i felt somewhat cheated that i couldnt have my say and push for the full 36-39 points i should have scorred,i dont know what they changed my score to and they said i would have to wait to get the notification in the post so heres hopeing they gave me enough to keep the DWP off my back(no pun intended)..had spinal fusion on 17th feb . I think if you can keep your cool and get every bit of evidence and info to support your claim you have a good chance of winning at tribunal BUT it is absolutly disgusting that when you most need help from the DWP and are at your lowest they make you go through months of hell just to prove you are telling the truth ! Sorry to rant been saving this up for months ,oh well next is the DLA appeal then the IND INJ BEN appeal then the CTB appeal. When im able to work again might get a job at DWP i think im prob qualified now and i think they need some good people there . LOL
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