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  1. Immediately file a Statutory Out of Time declaration which you can download on the internet. You then have to take it to your local county court, make the declaration under oath and get it signed off before sending it by Special Delivery, recorded and signed for to Northampton county court.
  2. Filed Out of Time declaration nearly 2 weeks ago and not a word from either the court or the bailiff so I assume it's just running its course and going back to Wandsworth Borough Council.
  3. Exact same story apart from that my ticket was issued 2 days before I moved house in 2008 (!) and I informed the DVLA immediately and had a redicrection service for 3 months and still didn't get anything through the post! It doesn't actually matter though when exactly you notify them in that case since, as on the day of the offence, your vehicle was registered on the old address, all correspondence will be sent there! The numpties didn't even bother to double-check my address after 5 returned letters! Now you need to file an Out of Time Declaration ASAP!!! Type "Statutory Declaration Out of Time" into Google and you'll find the form. Fill it out and take it to your nearest county court tomorrow for having your oath taken before sending it to the address given on the form (by special delivery and recorded mail needless to say).
  4. I have obviously missed the 21 days, hence the bailiff. I will proceed with the Out of time declaration first thing on Monday but what shall I do with the bailiffs in the meantime?
  5. Can you explain that further? Never dealt with anything like that.
  6. I hope someone can give me some advice here. This morning I fell out of all clouds when I received a letter from a bailiff company with a notice of execution relating to an alleged parking ticket issued by the Borough of Wandsworth. Only problem: I neither ever had a ticket stuck to my car nor got a PCN through the post, let alone ever received a Notice to Owner, Charge Certificate, Registration of Debt notice or any of the documents which I should have received at some point had I not paid a parking ticket. I last moved house 8 months ago and changed the address on my V5 immediately so there is no way it could have gone to a wrong address. Any ideas on how to proceed??
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