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  1. hiya, would be grateful if someone could help me to work the following out (sorry cant scan and upload it as printer has died) total amount of credit: £750 duration of agreement: 36 months amount of monthly payment: 43.63 number of monthley payments: 36 APR (variable) 73.65% total charge for credit: £820.68 accep fee: £75 interest charged: £745.68 rate of interest per annum: 60.10% this is all the info on the aggreement, everything else is 0.00 thing i want to know is, they told me at the time i couldnt take this load out if i didnt have ppi, but looking at this it doesnt look like ive got any ppi even tho i know i did. as the ppi part is just left blanc, not even an0.00 just a totally empty box. the loan was took out in 28/01/2008 also is it legitamate credit agreement as i know there have been some cases of where welcome has worked it out wrong. thansk
  2. hi, well this is exactly what happend to me, may 2010 i voluntarily handed car back, told me i wouldnt have anything else to pay, next thing i know the lewis group say i owe wf £4200!!!!!!! what are they playing at????????? this has seriously affected my credit rating now but i am refusing point blank to pay!!
  3. hi, just wondered what was wf current status? im having a few problems and has now gone over to the lewis group, so was wondering are they definately going/ gone into administration? also, whats the chances of the lewis group actually being able to get a copy of my original agreement? thanks
  4. do you think they have stopped reporting on peoples credit files? i have 2 accounts with them and none has been reported last month!
  5. welcome havnt reported on my file either since feb, wondering why??
  6. thanks; figures below: amount of credit for goods:4900 amount of cresit for insurance:1000 total amount of credit:5900 duration of agreement 48month monthly payment £203.17 total amount payable 8351.84 total amount payable for insurances:1599.84 total amount payable 9951.68 APR 31.3% -------------------------------------- other financial info mech brakedown cover £650 shortfall extra insurance £350 PX allowance £100 (they told me they were giving me £1200, LIARS) Aceptance fee £195 finance charges for goods:3056.84 option fee £100 charge for credit for goods:3351.84 charge for credit for insurance:599.84 total charge for credit: 3951.68 rate of interest on credit (per annum): 15% id be grateful if some one could work this out for me thanks, ive tried typing info into a website calcul;ator and apparently its about £1000 to much what welcome are charging me.
  7. i'd be grateful if someone could quickly let me know how to work out Welcome Finance agreement, so i can see if there right with mine as i cant scan it up. thanks
  8. Hi, I have drafted a letter (which i copied from another thread but put other info in) could someone please check and see if its ok to send? thanks Welcome Financial Services Limited 141A Front Street Chester le Street DH3 3AU Dear Sirs, RE: ACCOUNT NO: I write with reference to the above account and in response to the recent letter received from yourselves advising that you have terminated our agreement. I would draw your attention to the agreement made with yourselves in October 2009 to pay £30 per month towards the arrears which would clear them by the end of the agreement- this agreement has been adhered to. Now, with only 21 months left to pay on the agreement you are demanding the full outstanding balance and threatening court action to repossess the vehicle. I also received a letter dated 6/3/2010 stating ‘in response to your written request received 5/3/2010 for a settlement figure we have pleasure in providing the following information...’ I would like to see a copy of this letter as I HAVE NOT sent a written request asking for this, and I am intrigued on what your response is on this. Also, I request that you send me all information you have in my file as I do not believe the figures to be true and accurate. Having now taken advice I can assure you that any court action will be vigorously defended. I am still in a position (and willing) to continue making the monthly payments plus the extra amount towards the arrears and trust you can confirm your acceptance of this continuing arrangement. I will be cancelling my direct debit with you as you have terminated my account. If this matter can be resolved I am willing to set this back up. How you respond to this letter will, of course, be reported to the court in defence of any court claim for possession. I trust you understand my position and I look forward to receiving your positive response to my proposal. Yours faithfully,
  9. thanks for that, have read some other threads and the one above, but still dont quite understand, want to know wheather or not to cancell my Direct debit and if i do where do i stand. thanks
  10. thanks, so if you were me would you cancel and just wait for them to contact you about the car? really dont no where i stand as i need the car for work, if i dont have the car i cant drop kids off at nursery/school and woont be able to get to work, as it would mean getting 4 busses before i even get to work then i would need to finish work early to get the busses again to pick up kids before nursery shuts. and in doing this it wouldnt cover my hours. any help would be gratete as i really dont no where i stand on this or should i just ring them and see what they say?
  11. thanks, thats what i thought but i dont no if i dare cancell the DD incase they start ringing my work or sumthing
  12. thanks, but do you know where i stand with my future payments, do i keep or cancell the direct debit?
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