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carla fox

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  1. Hi, you really need to get a solicitor. This company lbl is in the process of getting their licence removed. check your bill of sale. was it only the person that gave you the money that signed it and yourself. if so they have already broken the law. also your credit agreement, if it is anything like mine it wont even be signed or dated, and it should state you have 14 days to cancel it probably says "you have a short time to cancel" this is not legal either. They will not listen unless you have a solicitor that way they know you are serious. They are getting their licence revoked because they are behaving illegally and many people have complained. so i think they are trying to get as many cars as possible before they lose their licence. So pls get a solicitor immediately. Someone that specialises in debt. sorry i cant help anymore but they really will do what they want unless you have a solicitor. Good luck. Carlafox.
  2. Hi Joncris, thanks for your message, can you tell me where i can find that info pls?
  3. Hi Trooper68 thanks for the info, my solicitor is dealing with it this week. my payments are up to date and hope to keep it that way til i know they are unable to do anything. dont worry i will hide my car if i need to... have u had dealings with lbl? ps; the oft are in the process of revoking the licence from lbl, i believe they are at the 3rd stage of the process. so the more people that email the oft re lbl the stronger the case; enquiries@oft.gfi.gov.uk they cannot get involved in individual cases so get a solicitor. but it will help lbl to lose their licence.............
  4. Hi cctv engineer, i know my bos is invalid, do you know anything about credit agreements? mine doesnt have a signature or a date on it? or does anyone else know if it is valid?
  5. I have had this checked with a solicitor. the fact is log book loans did not have a 3rd party sign my bill of sale. it was signed by me and the guy who gave me the loan, so u havent burst my bubble. My bill of sale is void as confirmed by my solicitor.
  6. Hi Everyone, pls get yourself a copy of " THE BILL OF SALE ACT 1882" I have just found out that my bill of sale is invalid, meaning i still have a debt but they have no right to take my car. There are many things that can make the bill of sale invalid. check that they have registered it within 7 days at The High Court, The Strand. the bill of sale should be stamped, ask log book loans for a copy of this. Also when you signed the bill of sale was there a third party present who witnessed it and signed it as a witness? If only you signed it and the guy that gave you the loan it is invalid. The Bill Of Sale Act states that a bill of sale will be void if it fails to include any of the following information: one of them is ;Attestation by a witness not party to the bill.meaning witnessed by a third party who has nothing to do with LogBook Loans. call Trading Standards or citizens Advice and write to them outlining that this is not valid. If thay try to take your car you can get them done for theft....
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